OMG, the amount of eye contact in this… I just can’t.
The final scenes of this episode was purely epic!
Dany & Jorah… yeah, I ship it.
OMG, the amount of eye contact in this… I just can’t.
The final scenes of this episode was purely epic!
Dany & Jorah… yeah, I ship it.
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<3 Ser Jorah Mormont
Ending the fight Dark Souls style.
This temp music in the background sucks. It angers me.
Jorah with the Dark Souls roll and lunge!
2:41 noooo not Jorah's yellow shirt!
In this issue she was one misguided and delusional bitch. Bad writing I guess
RIP Braavosi rapier dude. Maybe one of the best swordsman in all the land
Slashing with a small sword… Small swords dont have edges! thats about as useful as slashing with a dueling cane.
I wish Jorah shouted "are you not entertained" when he won the fight
this reminds if me of for honor, i mean no honor
Dany was super hot in that dress
Jorah sucks… his skillz..
When people made their Top 10 swordsman in GOT, they surely forgot about this guy with his tiny sword.
the friendzone rage made him go full juggernaut lmao
imagine if it was jamie or bronn instead of jorah
He is the fastest man alive. He is the flash but doesnt reaveal his secret!
What are the sons of the Harpy whispering? or is that just part of the soundtrack playing?
M. C. Mk
Hey that small little sword looks like Needle
step aside!! i need to go into the zone..
Anyone hate how in the first battle Jorah kicked everyones ass and in this he was getting the crap beaten out of him
That guy with the spear was from the Blades of Skyrim! Delphine ordered him to fight in the pit as a distraction so that she could sneak up and capture Daenerys, to force her to call her dragons down so that she can slay them and make the dragons forever extinct. Probably dressed up with one of those golden masks as a disguise. Oh well, still a better planned mission than the Thalmor Embassy.
Best fighters always gets stabbed in the back eg: The sword of the morning, The fookin Legend of Gin Alley, and the Water Dancer Bravosi.
why did everyone jeer when ser jorah won?
plotarmor is imba.
the guy with a needle is sort of like syrio forel
dat Dark Souls roll
That left cheek just can't get a break
Why is every Game of Thrones character so good at throwing spears? First J-Bear, now the Night King.
Jorah Mormont the friendzoned Lord