Josh went to “Future Man” producer Seth Rogen one day after work and instantly passed out. Josh thinks it was an indica strain…

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  1. Josh is super intelligent kid. People who don't watch him since little probably don't care and just call him mundane. But yeah I guess josh needs better companion to joke around or better topics to talk about. His brain is just super fast and he's just a super nice pudgy kid he was. People probably expect him to be full clown like other hollywood actors and be on the audience side all the time trying to make them laugh.

  2. I think Josh is just used to working on Hunger Games which had a younger fan base, not to mention a rabid fanbase, so he had to be careful about what he said a lot. Because the dude has clearly partook, he knows the lingo and seemed relaxed talking about the strain Seth was smoking, so I don't think he cares about marijuana usage or judges it.

  3. why are you all hating on him he didnt say anything negative about marijuana. He said Seth is the perfect proof that you can still smoke daily and be productive whats wrong with that? Also he even seems to know the lingo I wouldnt be suprised if he smoked before

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