Josh went to “Future Man” producer Seth Rogen one day after work and instantly passed out. Josh thinks it was an indica strain…
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Josh is super intelligent kid. People who don't watch him since little probably don't care and just call him mundane. But yeah I guess josh needs better companion to joke around or better topics to talk about. His brain is just super fast and he's just a super nice pudgy kid he was. People probably expect him to be full clown like other hollywood actors and be on the audience side all the time trying to make them laugh.
When people forget that weed is still illegal on a federal level. Boy was covering his ass. Smart of him, dumb of some of y'all.
they should do a cheech and chong remake with Snoop Dogg and Seth Rogan
Why did you upload the this???
He always seems uptight and awkward. Every interview.
0:20 so awkward
Imagine is Seth was an alchoholic, was he supposed to promote alchoholism? Same can be said about marijuana
Yes kid. We should condone Cannabis. Research, then open mouth.
Isnt joshi Lovely?!♡♡♡
Fu man
Smoke some weed
Josh + Conan are great duo, there's some chemistry here (no homo)
So you don't promote weed now it's passed in Cali..?
Hey , I'm an Artist who has unique drawing talent..,…..,,,… Bet you that I live up to my word . (uploaded today)
Esta no es una película completa. Busqué y finalmente encontré la película completa, este es un enlace ?( )
Dude SO looks like Woody Harrelson's son…
Looks like related to Flula, I legit thought it was Flula from thumbnail
Seth although “funny” also knew James Franco was sexually assaulting several women, and said what? Oh, nothing? That’s right. NOTHING!
I think Josh is just used to working on Hunger Games which had a younger fan base, not to mention a rabid fanbase, so he had to be careful about what he said a lot. Because the dude has clearly partook, he knows the lingo and seemed relaxed talking about the strain Seth was smoking, so I don't think he cares about marijuana usage or judges it.
Josh sucks at being funny
Futureman plot is copied! South park did it! (Kenny, Heaven vs Hell for PSP, chosen one)
I don't get what people see in this guy. So… tasteless. Blend.
I clicked the thumbnail without reading the title. Dude looks a lot like flula….. Couldn't be less like him in character though.
…is he afraid that he'll get in trouble for promoting weed or something? That whole "we don't condone this" bit was really weird.
and "Woody Nelson" …..
What if Josh is trapped in an island, and in the island there is only weed?
No drugs in the Futterman house.
why are you all hating on him he didnt say anything negative about marijuana. He said Seth is the perfect proof that you can still smoke daily and be productive whats wrong with that? Also he even seems to know the lingo I wouldnt be suprised if he smoked before
Butthurt weed smokers