Justice League Final Battle Details Leaked Plus Future Of Connected DCEU Explained

How Superman Returns In Justice League Leaked! Black Suit Superman Confirmed!:

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  1. The Avengers was saving people,Superman wasn't saving anybody( a scene or two of Sup stopping and saving a few people would had went a very long way). I didn't care about any of that at the end of the day. My problem was there was no bleeding in the Zod vs Sup fight, it didn't feel like they was feeling anything at times.

  2. "More of a MCU style moving forward"

    Anyone who would think that or even put that out there a bit silly and has no perceptions of movies…..Marvel didn't invent humor and color in superhero movies…its so bizarre ,marvel comes along and everyone thinks they invented movies…also…MOS was very hopeful and the DCEU Superman has been optimistic the whole time and true to original lore .Going a lighter tone was the plan the whole time as stated back before the release of BVS..https://scontent.fagc1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/22279876_1377995365632916_783421778557849936_n.jpg?oh=3eeba5cf7698b4c17057c5cf444b47ad&oe=5A783058

  3. The best part of the Justice League battles is all of Destruction that's why I fell in love with them. This is why I find Justice League better than the Avengers because the action sequences are bigger and better.

  4. Connective is good but it doesn't have to be blatant. Appearance of other superheroes in someone elses solo movie is absolutely not necessary. Especially if they have significant roles more than just cameos. The world just needs to be the same and have some references here and there. That is enough connectivity to me.

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