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Here's my Justice League Shazam video with an update on the Black Adam Movie and Superman Wonder Woman Crossover Theory. They start shooting the movie early next year! Posting new Game Of Thrones and Walking Dead next
oh..and isnt it too on the nose that u doing a DC character famous for his power of THUNDER…?
I was under the impression that Zachary Levi was going to be Shazam, not Billy Batson. Soooo I'm a bit confused now.
i was thinking a wonder woman cameo to help him with magic.
zach, is this how u stickin it up to marvel for mistreatin fandral n his warriors 3 buddies..?

like zachary levi as an actor, but he's got a ways to go in bulking up
I hope if we get the green lantern it is John stewart
So excited for this
There was a kid that stared in a Netflix movie called the baby sitter. I think he'd make a great Billy batson
If he can get big enough it will be a great casting
Director will quit. It will be "The Flash" movie drama concerning directors.
I'm tryna be an extra in this movie so hard
Fuck the rock
gonna have to bulk up a bit to stand toe to toe with the rock
my favorite moment in shazam history is in the animated movies against superman love your videos emergency awesome keep up the good work
Wow Zachary is great it will be awesome
High Fives!
Hey Charlie
Lol I love it.
Learned so much from your videos. Love them! Keep it up bro!
Steriods will do wonders.. getting buff and jacked qnd huge in 4 mnths w them is easy.. so easy
Only reason black adam gets his own movie is bcuz THE ROCK is in it….
It would've made since to do black atom movie first before the shazam movie for back story on the wizard and how his first attempt with giving the powers went wrong and it took him all these years to find Billy to be Shazam which they could show at the end of the movie. The wizard looking through a crystal ball or something and sees billy with a shazam silhouette
Omfg one of my favorite actors is shazam
Cant wait for the rock and shazam movies
Nice vid charlie!
What the fuck!? Why him? Batson should be portrayed by a kid. And shazam should have easily been John Cena. Levi and The Rock don't even have very nice camera chemistry.
Black Adam should be the villain
Talk about stanning for the 52 version of the character.
Dc stop making movies please this casting is hot garbage
I think it will be a good choice. Love the videos bro
I can’t even tell you how much I want to see Superman and Shazam share the big screen!! I’m geeking out about this casting and am more than happy about it!!
Geoff Johns run sucked big time
pls let me win
Justice league comes out on my bday! Better believe I know what I’m doing that day
Good job
One thing we ALL should have learned is after gal as ww, Ben as Batman, and Cavill as superman, don't hate till after you see what they can do! Wait till you see him in the role before making judgments. I love this casting