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Justice League is finally here and it’s…well they made it didn’t they. We also get into the new trailers for Incredibles 2 and Rampage, new movies for Multiple Man and and Morbius The Living Vampire, that Lord Of The Rings TV show is happening, Fantastic Beats 2, Deadpool 2 trailer, Mario getting a film and the ongoing saga of Schrodinger’s Bat.

Justice League Easter Eggs:
Gamey Game Game:
Internet Hate Machine:
I Love Green Guide Letters:

0:00 Visit for 15% off a quality bloody watch mate!
8:20 Incredibles 2 Teaser
9:58 Rampage trailer
15:24 Multiple Man movie
18:25 Morbius The Living vampire movie
21:32 They’re making that LOTR show
23:47 Fantastic Beast 2
26:32 Deadpool 2 trailer
28:04 Super Mario movie
29:57 Schrodinger’s Bat

34:16 Justice League Spoiler Free Review
1:08 Justice League Spoiler Review

1:39:42 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read
1:41:54 Letters It’s Time For Letters

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  1. Marvel phase 1 is leagues ahead of DCEU. It had one great film (Iron Man) one good film (Captain America) and a bunch of decent/OK films (thor, hulk) and only one bad film. And that's without including the phenomenal Avengers film. Also phase 1 Marvel had some pretty great villains with Loki, Obadiah Stane, and the Red Skull. It's a poor comparison

  2. Fuck it how about they make nightwing batman at the end of his movie if Affleck don't wanna do it then they might as well make nightwing about him moving on and filling Bruce's shoes I'd love it.

  3. Sony needs to fucking save Spiderman characters for Spiderman movies.
    I don't want to see a movie about Venom, Morbius, or Black Cat, or fucking Aunt May as an agent or some shit.
    I want to see those characters interacting with Spiderman IN A SPIDERMAN MOVIE(IN THE MCU)!

    Can you fucking imagine if DC tried to make a live-action movie about Man-Bat?

  4. when making the DCEU they should never had done Batman or Superman to start off with, its too repetitive. For Spiderman Homecoming, Marvel left out Uncle Ben, Spider bite and Oscorp/Osborn because its been done twice and everyone gets it. It also helped Spiderman being introduced in Civil War, so we didnt need the other stuff. DC should of done the same. one of the first scenes in BvS was young Bruce falling in the well with the bats, almost exaclty the same from Batman Begins, let it go DC!

  5. On they shouldn't have started with Snyder – remember, he was planning a Superman trilogy like Nolan did for Batman, he wasn't actually looking to establish the tone of a franchise for the DC stable. But WB seemed to see an opportunity and here we are…

  6. I don't get why so many people don't understand the 1% line. What he means is that Superman is so powerful they can't risk even the smallest chance that he'll turn on humanity.

    Imagine it in a different way, if I said I had a nuclear reactor that works 96% but for the other 4% it explodes, you wouldn't want me to turn it on.

  7. I don't see WB bringing in Nightwing as the new Batman, they will want to keep Bruce Wayne. All they will do is re-cast with a slightly younger actor (Jake Gyllenhall?) and it won't be mentioned. They know that most of the audience have no clue who Nightwing is anyway.

  8. Rogue One, Suicide Squad, now Justice League. The best shots are in the trailers, then deleted in the final. Bladerunner 2049's entire story and character development were all in the pre-released shorts. I swear the editbutcher execs are trolling us that we'll mentally copy&paste our excitement from the good scenes into the theatrical even if it's gone now.

  9. Grimace was invented in a McDonald's promotion in 1973, they were advertising a new grape soda and wanted a mascot to represent it. He was originally supposed to be another "villain" character like Hamburglar, in fact he was going to be a partner in crime to Hamburglar, called "the Grapist".

    Note: this is all lies.

  10. (Tired and a touch drunk while typing, but a good idea for the batman trilogy imo, partially because I came up with it by taking your idea of a nightwing movie and mostly because its taking existing content and mushing it into the DCEU and iits tone and possible lack of batfleck. #Copyright2017 #OriginalContentDoNotSteal #Kony2012)
    ((TL;DR: Just do NightWing where he becomes batman cuz Deadfleck, then Under the Red Hood/Battle for the Cowl sort of and Son of Batman to tie up the trilogy and also set up at least 4 more trilogies and 15 spins-offs, naturally.)

    So DC should postpone the batman movie, instead do Nightwing, but plot twist it actually IS a batman movie about Batman dying/getting lost in time(because that's actually what happened,) so Dick Grayson Wing of the Night has to become The Night.(Leaving a window open for the eventual desperate marketing stunt of bringing Batfleck back from getting sacked, immediately after the dust finally settles with his "replacement.")
    They could do a nice small set up for a sequel where Dick reminiscences about the costume or is teased by Alfred or preferable the overarching villain DeathStroke, (but we never actually see any flashbacks of a young dick wearing skimpy bikini bottoms, because just typing that sentence is bound to get you on an FBI watchlist,) but while talking about it he ponders the query of whether or not there'd be another Robin after what happened to Jason;
    foreshadowing the sequel "Batman; The 2nd One: Under the Red Hood." It'd would be a great new take on the story, where its family drama, but also super action hero movie where two brothers, raised to "take over the family business" one feels scorned after the eldest brother abandons the business to "find himself" leaving the business be "inherited" by the "younger brother."
    HOWEVER; after a brief bout of being murdered by one of those crazy clowns from 2016 and being resurrected by basically the son of Satan and the grandfather of Batman's son, the younger brother returns to his father to learn that he's totes ded and worse, he's DICK of a brother who left his younger brother responsible to be batman, I mean CEO. the younger brother is literally mad and also mad and mad, pretty much any definition would apply and while still jones-ing after getting high of life water wants to kill his bro, which violates bro-code resulting in a major smack down from big bro CEO, resulting in lil bro getting even more upset going full tantrum mode unless he tires himself out and the bros can have a bro moment and they both come to the understanding that dead dad wasnt training them to be CEO's of the family business, but CEO's of their own lives… but also CEO of the family business if he accidentally gets lost in time and they live relatively contently ever after…..
    BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE: Dead Dad has a secret non-orphan son whokicks in the door letting everyone know he's basically, literally the CEO and also Batman and Robin and also heir to the world dominating empire of his grandfather; the son of satan.
    (Idont know why I let this run on for so long, i just wanted to get down a quick idea.)

  11. Firstly, I'm really annoyed, because I think I might have been in the same screening as Mr Sunday (considering how he describes the presentation and all) and I'm annoyed that I missed my chance to meet him in the flesh! Secondly, the part where the parademons turn on Steppenwolf would have been great if it wasn't just Pitch's death from Rise of the Guardians all over again.And thirdly, I thought it was going to turn out that Joker had killed Lex with laughing gas or something or like they said, was the real Lex Luthor. Was very disappointed to find out that it just meant Eisenberg Lex had escaped.

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