Justice League Trailer. Batman, The Flash vs Steppenwolf Comics Easter Eggs, Gorilla Grodd, Classic Batman Theme Song, Superman and Aquaman Trailer ►
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Here's my new Justice League vs Steppenwolf video. Let me know how many Easter Eggs you spotted. Lots of Classic Batman and The Flash in there. Posting my Walking Dead Episode next and new Thor Ragnarok!
Wonder if there will be a Hawkman/Hawkgirl Easter egg
If you look at cast list, there’s someone cast as “co-pilot” and another in an Air Force role, which to me signals Hal Jordan since there isn’t a Pilot personality listed, can’t wait to see who they picked
I wish they used the tv flash and di dnt make him look so pathetic
Im not old enough to have seen Tim Burtons Batman in theater, but I watch it every single night to get to sleep.
Awesome video, Emergency Awesome!
The flash is watching Rick and Morty OMG
I seriously hope this movie doesn't suck
Barry Allen confirmed to have 900 IQ with that Rick And Morty episode in the background.
Very cool.
Emergency awesome I've re watched those justice league clip's so many times lol and steppenwolf isn't quite what I expected him to look like but he still look's pretty cool and I lived flash's clip
Less than 2 weeks away. Can't wait for this movie. Looks like a total thrill ride. Charlie, I can't wait for your review.
I don't really think the gorilla sign language is directly connected to gorilla grodd.
This looks good or better so that's great!
I cannot wait for the flash movie, i hope they forget about green lantern and just do flash movies
Yes! The outer space comparison to the under-water scenes! I was hoping they would do it similar to that – really excited to see how awesome that looks!
Do you think we will see any of Team Flash? I'm curious if Barry developed the Flash suit, or if he has a Cisco like in the T.V show.
Can’t wait for this
Hi Charlie
I read a Comic book site that spoke with Jason Mamoa and the article stated Aquaman doesn't have the trident yet. He borrows the quintent. He will acquire the trident in his movie. Love your videos.
Why go to the movies? Just watch the trailers.
November 17th can’t come any faster
The cgi looks better than in the previous trailers
Love the intro music! Nostalgic brought me way back! Thanks for the movie clips, i'm Super Excited to WATCH this Cinematic!
Wow! Watching these clipa made super pumped for the movie!!
I Like This video Good job Awsome day
Anyone else notice that Flash's lightning is blue like Savitar's
OK, this movie won't be as bad as I thought…
Voyage to Atlantis in Aquaman movie lol
Batman jumping down from the gargoyle to flex his muscles while taking a shit, was pretty amazing too…
Good stuff
Throwback Batman!!
2:17 Diana: OHH SHIIIT
Hate to much CG :((
how do you private message someone
I wonder how steppenwolf will look on the big screen.
Cyborg's lights in his body are kind of distracting.