Kit Harington is saying goodbye to two dragon-themed blockbusters this year. One is the How to Train Your Dragon trilogy, where he voices Viking warrior Eret, and the other is a little indie series called Game of Thrones. Recently, Harington sat down with Sky News and talked about how he’s dealing with these duel endings.

“It will be emotional, for everyone watching and everyone who was involved,” he said. “It’s strange, being a part of these movies [How to Train Your Dragon] and this finishing this side of my dragon movies, and then the other big one [Game of Thrones] finishing in my life as well.”

I think viewers are going to be quite emotionally torn about it ending.

And how does Harington plan to watch the final of Thrones? “I think I’m going to have a party. I don’t know yet…I don’t know if I want to watch it on my own — quietly, just myself — or whether I’ll have a party and watch it with lots of other people. I can’t really decide that yet.”

As to the final film in the How to Train Your Dragon trilogy, The Hidden World, Harington things it’ll offer something for everyone. “You have some animated movies which are just brilliant fun for kids, and then you have some animated movies which kind of aim towards the whole family, and I think this one does both.”

I work with dragons a lot, it seems, all different types and sizes and shapes. Which is wonderful… I mean, bizarre. I don’t know how that happened in my life. I hope it’s not the end of working with dragons.

And how do the dragons from How To Train Your Dragon compare to the ones Jon Snow deals with in season 8? “The ones on Thrones are a bit grumpy. These ones are naughty, but I think slightly more friendly to humans.”

One things for sure: the movie dragons are a lot easier to work with than the TV ones, because voice-acting is a plush gig.

This, you’re in a nice warm booth, people are bringing you coffees and it’s a lot of fun. And also you’re in a room with just three or four other people, so you get to have a lot of fun without the pressure of hundreds of people looking at you.

Finally, Harington talked about how playing Eret son of Eret compared to playing Jon Snow? “I think the great thing about playing an incredibly uncomic character for nine years, who’s brooding and takes himself too seriously, is that you can then take the mickey out of yourself for being too brooding and too serious.” Is that a riddle?

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World hits theaters on February 1. Game of Thrones season 8 premieres April 14.

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