Little Finger tells Sansa, “Fight every battle, everywhere, always, in your mind.” – Game of Thrones. The most powerful man in Westeros.



  1. One of the most dangerous man in Westeros. Deserved a better death i believe, something more smarter and fitting for a man of his calibre. Heck without him plotting the death of the ex Hand of the King John Arryn, we would not get the Game of Thrones. Robert Baratheon travelled all the way to winterfell to get ned stark as hand of the king thus starting the whole series!

  2. Littlefinger's last good scene 🙁 Unfortunately I think he will die this season. Too bad we only had a shade of his character after season 5. D&D don't know how to write him, nor Tyrion and Varys. All we have left is to wait for the books to continue to behold his awesomeness.

  3. Seriously, the whole plot of Littlefinger since season 7 bored me. He is wasted in the North. Someone so clever should realize after some tries that he is surrounded by enemies / wolves and should escape to the South, where he has more influence with his silvertongue. With the knights of the vale he could support Cersei or Dany in the upcoming war, especially as a counter to the Dothraki riders. The real fight about the power in Westeros is done in Kingslanding, so he should head back and work on it. I see no reason why not to return to Kingslanding or searching for other allies in the South. Politics in the North work differently and he has no impact there. Now he is too predictable and always whispering in someones ears, making him look pathetic. So it is his love for Cait/Sanza that will him get killed in the end? Come on, he helped killing Ned, Joffrey, Ramsay…give him a worth ending…I would gladly see him talking to Varys once more, his real opponent, before dieing…so he can show us his final masterpiece, how he is betraying Cersei and Dany to become king of the ashes.

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