LoL Epic Moments # 108 | How to Backdoor..
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➥Channel: [Michael Gim]
➥Channel: [Paradox]
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➥ Sent by [Felipe Thomas]
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【】 Music Intro: HD Nightcore – One More Round [
【】 Music Outro: Janji – Together (Feat. Vivien) [
【】 Music Game: Halcyon – Runaway (feat. Valentina Franco) [TARI Remix] [
【】 Music Game: Vonikk – Mammoth [
【】 Music Game: Kris Cerro – Escape [
SoloMiD Playlist:
➥LoL Epic Moments:
➥Funny Stream Moments:
➥Best Wombo Combos:
➥Top Pentakill:
➥Best 1vs5 OutPlays – Pentakill:
➥Champion Montage:
➥Funny/Fail Montage:
➥Bug Game:
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♥Thank for watching.♥
#solomid #lol #league #legends #leagueoflegends
la musica del inicio es un desastre XD
I hate your intro music
That Karma and Maokai battle took forever lol
I am the Xin with the Outplay ;D !!!!!
I#m in the video i died xD MageTune xD
i am shaco main, when u use my viedos ;/
xin link nhạc đầu
– where are you from?
xD best backdoor shaco
Hi firs
i hate your intro music
Thanh niên Nunu trừng phạt như bòi, tính ra có 2 cái trừng phạt mà còn căn 800 máu mới dùng
I love your intro music
Bring back THE OLD INTRO
Which is the name of the song in the start
They call me Yasssssuo because I kill them when they type.
My shen play though <3
Make a video of urf only plsss
third comment
nice vid <3
tercer comentario
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Hey im fisrt