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Tara Babcock
PO Box 3246
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don't watch game of thrones but watching tara play it
Do a let play
The facecam should be tilted up. Face is more than enough. Trust me.
You should play batman Arkham knight, it's awesome!!!
can you please do life is strange i love that game
She mentions QTEs in a game that is entirely choose-your-own-adventure? Lol.
Amazing intro ti these videos
You should play Sam & Max
And a Let's play would be delightful.
Baby girl your beautiful
Play zeq2 gold edition its a dbz game
You talking to the whiny guy was hilarious.
like for walkthrough
I love this game
Ive played through all the available episodes and trust me you'd love it!
Do a lets play!
Like Telltale games but not a GoT fan, but this looks good, and I might look into it. You should do a Let's Play for this
I really like this game. You have to be familiar with the show to enjoy it, otherwise it's just any regular game. For the fans, It's absolutely amazing.
Hi Tara plz play, Five nights at Freddy's. That game is scary your up for it.
Nice vid again! Are you streaming today? And I'm patheman lol.
1st dislike
10th comment
good And yeah do more
good And yeah do more
For porn I hit porn sites, for games, I hit game sites. You're neither here nor there, bitch. Unsubbed. No substance with a soft porn gloss.
Its a great game, defo stick with this one Tara
If there an't no sex scenes in this game I refuse to buy it.
i wish i could fill your mouth with my massive cock
i love this game 
Under 30 club