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My name is Alec Steele and I am a 19 year old blacksmith from Norfolk in the United Kingdom. I upload a vlog from my day at the workshop almost every single day. Lots of sparks, lots of making, lots of fantastic-ness. Great to have you here following along!
What do I make? LOTS of Damascus steel, knives, swords, axes and more and of course, I always love hearing your suggestions for future projects in the comments below!
So if you want to see lots of forging fun, blacksmithing badassery, cinematic hammering and more in my Daily Vlog (#Daily_Steele) – please subscribe here by hitting that red button!
INSTAGRAM @alecsteele
Music by
Alec Steele Blacksmith 2017
song at 9:17?
I love that big iron song, ish so goood
Naughty alec not wearing hearing ppe
Hey mr steel. Thank you very much for your great videos. I was think you could have used play dough or real dough for bending out the shape you were looking for. Again thanks for your great work. Best regards.
Hey Alec is the scale hot to?
Alec, greetings from South Africa. What difference would it make it you used an angle grinder to shape it rather than the old school hammer and chisel way?
um . . . you have chop saw yes?
Alec, thank you for appreciating the certified arborist community. My granddad is a great arborist and so are all three of my uncles. My dad is also a retired arborist. It truly is tree surgery.
How does someone who sounds like a cheesy 1980s DJ make such cool stuff?
5:23 is amazing
I love how happy and excited he is about everything. It makes me feel warm inside (no pun intended)
Paused at 3:30 after it hit his foot. Was legitimately concerned for Alec's well-being since I've had hardwood strike my foot when I was piling for winter (I've got a wood stove), and it swelled up like a water balloon but didn't break. Could only imagine how crappy it'd be with steel…
Just forge weld it all back together if you mess up
Hey Alec, I built myself a forge, quite similar to your forge. However I'm dealing with a lot of sputtering from the burners when I put my bricks in front of the inlet, and outlet. Any ideas?
Marty Robbins for the win!
@ 7:32 Marty Robbins "Gun Fighter's Ballads, I approve!
oooohh dam that basketball skill out of the grinding room :O
Two Question: 1) was there any information on how they are originally made? could you copy them. 2) is it easier to cut the steel with the hammer then grind in the cuts you made? as in is that a better way to do it? P.S. Love your videos and the tong tricks are BA! Thank you
I have only one question for you. Have you ever caught your hair on fire??
I freaken love your videos man!! Your hilarious!!
So when you going to make a Damascus basket ball hoop
Ever thought about a car body??
Is there any reason you didn't just use a grinder to cut out the wedged piece? Seems like it would have taken less time.
I think this is the first time I’ve heard Alec say okey dokey, instead of okeley dokeley
Omg he listens to the same Western music I do, that shot where he showed his phone omg
Marty Robbins is the coolest 
How is he so hot tho omfg he's so cute
Good call on the Marty Robbins music brother!!
I am from "Africa" (Namibia) and if I must be quite frank, we don't have an African throwing knife there… So please be more specific and dont generalize a whole continent to probably a country or tribe. Love the vids though
Over doing the flipping of tools etc
Was that some marty Robbins I seen? Classic
Alec, why use the hammer and forge to cut in the lines? Wouldn't cutting them on a bandsaw be quicker and cheaper?
nice hair cut
Such a great flippin video.