Welcome to episode 5 of the Minecraft custom mini-game Never Have I Ever, where we all compete to see who has really never done anything!
Song Name: Sweet
Artist Name: I.Y.F.F.E, Au5 & Auratic
Video Link:
Album Download Link:
they all start singing aboua week ago
yes i have written on a white board with permenet marker i always write with permenet marker
anything with graser or h together I'll watch xD luv you guys
My favorite youtubers in one video, I love it!
I've never been out of NY so… That's worse than never being out of the US
my little brother barfed in my dads car
right after eating mc Donald's and my dad was so fudged! XD
whats poptropica
I can't stop laughing !!!lol my belly hurts lol
10:24 yeah I screamed out loud "FRIGGLETRAPSS!!"
Then I'm the kind of the girl who throws up when I see jelly XD
noboom i love fractions
HBomb94: Never Have I ever Drank a Snapple.
(I was drinking Snapple)
"never have I ever gone to Canada"WHAT!!! " I have never even left the state I live in
Jail cells? You mean Donald trumps wall
I heard someone say "clean white boy people"
Which one lives in Wyoming my grandma and I love there!!!

Bro in girl terms is bro
I'd go to dinner with Graser.
I smashed a piñata only because my class at school was forced to and at my cousin's birthday party because my aunt made me. :'( I cry every time I see the dead piñata
?: Never have ever i told my crush that i like him
Me: well i DID ask him to be my valentine… XD does.. THAT… count?