A slave who served as an interpreter to the masters of Astapor, Missandei was freed when Daenerys Targaryen took the Unsullied army and used it to overthrow the slavers. Missandei now serves Daenerys as her trusted advisor and handmaiden. Missandei was born on the island of Naath in the Summer Sea, off the coast of the continent of Sothoryos. She was enslaved at a young age and taken to Slaver’s Bay in Essos, where she was eventually put to work as an interpreter for the slaver-master Kraznys mo Nakloz, one of the Good Masters of Astapor.
definitely the hottest girl on GOT is messandei
"You belong to me now"
Did you know Missandei loves it up the ass? Ask Rudy 1!
Missandei and Daenerys are like me and my bff
Everyone who bitches about Dany's style of leadership has obviously never been in anything close to her position. She's a teenager who was forced to grow up really fucking quickly in a world that is brutal and sells women as broodmares. She did the best she could with her situation. The rest of you would have have died fast, given YOUR ignorant nature. Shut the fuck up and learn something
Misandai and Daenerys have same voice
did they really think she would give up one of her children tsk tsk tsk
the way she talks is
Dany recognized that Missandei is smart: She thinks fast, and is able to save her master from himself, and his shit negotiating skills.
She recognizes that she is dutiful: Despite being in a shit situation, she carries herself with grace, and poise.
She's strong: She never sulks, she never feels sorry for herself.
This is someone a Queen can trust and rely on, completely. This was her smartest decision in the entire series.
I wanna this one's tits and ass
4:23 Missandei approves
Nathalie alone is worth a million dragons
She is hot af!
Kraznys: "And this because I like the curve of her ass."
Missandei: "Because master Krasnys is generous."
๐๐๐๐๐ฝ๐๐ฝ I'm glad Missandei is with dany now.
she is on a role
I would totally "discombobulate" her, if I had the chance!
Lol. I know I used the word out of context, but the word sounds so appropriate!
I would love to take her home and "eradicate" her! Or take them both home and "circumspect" them all night! Lol.
I would totally "discombobulate" her, if I had the chance!
Lol. I know I used the word out of context, but the word sounds so appropriate!
I would love to take her home and "eradicate" her! Or take them both home and "circumspect" them all night! Lol.
here are the top 13 most beautiful, sexiest and most glamorous women on game of thrones.
1. Dany.
2. Missandei.
3. Sansa.
4. Margaery.
5. Ygritte.
6. Talisa.
7. Myrcella.
8. Melisandre.
9. Shae.
10. Ros.
11. Doreah.
12. Roslin frey.
13. Tyene sand.
control assume poetry sugar.
Missandei jaldi de
Alot of the men that encounter dany are degrading disgusting pigs commenting on her appearance lol. So glad she always burns them, figuratively and literally.
niks helemaal. niks
it was the ending of his reign very soon and a great friendship began that same day as missandi is daenerys translator and confandate
I had forgotten how well gifted she is.
I would tongue her butthole.
She ware a gens
Daenerys is gansta!
i'm so sick and the maesters say the only cure is missandei's milk…
She reminds me of that guy out of The Crying Game.