Top 10 Moments of Game of Thrones s6:

The Targaryens and the other Dragon lord families Originate from Valyria, but Dragons originate from the shadow lands beyond Asshai. Even Daenerys Targaryen’s eggs come from Asshai. But there’s one quote from the first book that inspired this video. In one of Bran Stark’s greenseer dreams in his coma.

“He lifted his eyes and saw clear across the narrow sea, to the Free Cities and the green Dothraki sea and beyond, to Vaes Dothrak under its mountain, to the fabled lands of the Jade Sea, to Asshai by the Shadow, where dragons stirred beneath the sunrise.”



  1. I think you have a good point about dragons and magic being linked… but we also know that there IS magic, magical creatures and actual magic, beyond the wall. Look at the things the white walkers were able to do. I think that the magic influenced by dragons is just localized. Maybe there are dragons beyond the wall because there is magic there, or vice versa.

    The same goes for Asshai. The red priestesses and followers of Rh'ollor do all forms of magic, look at Melissandre's transforming necklace. Maybe there are dragons in other lands, but when the last dragon died in Westeros the magic there died too.

  2. A dragon called Sheepstealer survived the dance of dragons and was flown off by it's rider Nettles across the sea. It's subsequent fate is unknown.

    After checking my facts it turns out that two other dragons survived the dance of dragons and then flew off and disappeared. Silverwing and The Cannibal.

  3. it will be so cool if jon snow gets a ice dragon. but ice dragons wont be effective against night king. ithing an ice dragon will be one of danys dragon( which dany will probably join jon snow to fight the white walkers) will die against the white walkers and come back as a ice dragon

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