TODAY on Naked Pop I’m talking to my friend & Playboy Model Kelly, we dish about sex, love, lesbians, boyfriends, stripping, drugs, rock and roll and everything in between…the sheets. Serving up a generous sized Mental Cock Tale for everyone to enjoy. Hope you laugh, cry, and have as much fun with our entertainment as we did. 

Hosted by Amber Dawn Lee * Actress, Filmmaker, Model, & Dog Loving Diva living in the valley of LA! 

*Popular culture=naked pop or pop culture is the entirety of attitudes, ideas, images, perspectives, and other phenomena within the mainstream of a given culture The most common pop culture categories are: entertainment (movies, music, television, games, memes), sports, news (as in people/places in news), politics, fashion/clothes, technology, and slang.[1]Popular culture has a way of influencing an individual’s attitudes towards certain topic

♡ Are you new to my channel? Subscribe to get your Freebird wings!

“If you’re feeling down, remember that you are awesome. You are worthy of feeling happy, healthy, and loved. Keep your chin up and focus on what you are grateful for. If you are going through a tough time, I get it. Hang in there. It will pass. I’ve been through a lot of tough and crazy times in my life:

(Abandoned/Sexual abuse/Physical abuse/Depression/Mental Health/PTSD/Anxiety/Disabilities)

I’ve had some unique experiences too in my life:

(Actress/Screenwriter/Entrepreneur/Film/Fashion Icon/CEO /Comedian/Mom/Wife/Vegetarian/Fur Baby-mom/Artist and more)

I created this channel as a CALL TO ACTION. To get out and live my life to the fullest and take you with me to experience it together, even if we are shopping or doing thrift hauls!

The most dangerous risk of all – spending your life not doing what you want on the bet that you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.

This channel is to:
To capture life, share adventures, make new friendships, while following new dreams of doing this channel full time, fashion fun, screenwriting, dancing acting, and laughing & also hopes of meeting free birds like you, who experience it all here with me.

This channel is my personal reminder to go out and enjoy my life, one day at a time, because life is in session, and I’m living one day, one story, one moment at a time. These videos are all pages to my story, my book and I want you to be part of it, get your Freebird Wings.

I love you.:)” ♡

FIND ME on all the things:
TWITTER @Amberdawnlee
INSTAGRAM Amberdawnlee1
FACEBOOK Amberdawnlee1

My ACTING page:
(I’m an actress for film and television!)

My Stand Up COMEDY:
(I am a professional stand up in stilettos on stage type of comedian)

My Feature FILM:
(I am a filmmaker who wears black eyeliner) :

(I’m a writer and vlogger and a dork)

My company:
(I’m a business woman, yep, a Chic-CEO in yoga pants!)

And most importantly I am a mom to 1 human being:
Allie is on social media: @Alleeelectric

I’m a furry mom, no not that weird furry but dog kind of mom,
and I’m also wife to an amazing guy, and I’m vegetarian.
Here’s my rescue dogs cute page:

Who am I?
I’m Amber Dawn Lee
I am you.
You are me.
We are one.
Under the sun.
And always shall be.
A Freebird because
You give me wings
…when you
Like & Subscribe.
Together we can fly.

Check out Doris:

Please watch: “NAKED POP “Girls on Girls” EP 19 Isabella Charlton and Audrey Marie ! ”




  1. "Hi!" ADL, Great 1st vid debut for N.P. w/ Your GF, Kelly. ● Yet, the first vid of Yours I watched was w/ Corey Feldman & weird lady in his car. • Then, Googled You, which, lead Me to the G.M.A. interview w/ Diane S. (WoW! You're a real "thriver-survivor-young-warrior-woman"). • Next, Laundry, You were really good in it. (Your character's daughter's middle name, Dawn. 'Good one'.) You look pretty much the same except thinner. • You remind Me of a younger version of Sandra Bullock; positive & bubbly personality, tell it like it is person. ● This may sound corny- I'm really sorry, Amber, that You had go thru' such a horrific abuse & experimental, (drugs), young adulthood. And, I'm so very Proud of You seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Then, turning Yourself around for a more "purposeful life". ● I subd, will be catching up on prior vids & looking forward to future ones. ● Bright Blessings, BabyGirl, of Love n' Light to You & Yours. c:

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  3. ohh,,i had a lot of things to do today,,,so now i am watching this kind of your own story telling (show),,,well i have to say that it was really so so interesting and cool,,,,i like that you two shared some private stories from your life,,not everyone can do this,,you're so brave ladys,,,i think you both were really honest here,,,,and at the end of my comment i will say – that was very organized and great video,,, annndddd i saw breaker he was listening to your stories and then he felt asleep,,,lol,,,,so thumbs up for this great video !!!!

  4. Thanks for pointing out how y'all don't want my "presence"…come on now, I'm not THAT ugly–just a little. LOL, but I make up for it in enthusiasm.  Nice job on the show, I look forward to more. You guys were fun and entertaining, just what you want with these things. I'm trying to be more informative with a critique, but I'm still recouping from the thought of Kelly flipping over, LOL. –Eddie

  5. TODAY on Naked Pop I'm talking to my friend & Playboy Model Kelly, we dish about sex, love, lesbians, boyfriends, stripping, drugs, rock and roll and everything in between…the sheets. Serving up a generous sized Mental Cock Tale for everyone to enjoy. Hope you laugh, cry, and have as much fun with our entertainment as we did. 

    Hosted by Amber Dawn Lee * Actress, Filmmaker, Model, & Dog Loving Diva living in the valley of LA!

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