Game of Thrones is the world’s most popular fantasy TV series. We have seen the show pioneer the genre, as well as drive the television medium to what it is today. Needless to say, everybody else is running around, trying to replicate HBO‘s success. Just take Amazon’s upcoming Lord of The Rings series. However, there’s some bad news for Game of Thrones in all of this – there’s a possibility that we might not get to see our favourite Game Of Thrones stars in some of the upcoming fantasy shows.

Speaking at MCM Comic-Con Birmingham, Game of Thrones actor Ian Beattie (Ser Meryn Trant) said that Game of Thrones actors are banned from auditioning for a certain upcoming fantasy show, which is based on a video game. You might remember Beattie, who had quite a remarkable exit from Game of Thrones:

Beattie said:

“It’s quite unusual because there was another show, that I’d rather not name if you don’t mind, which was auditioning. It’s based on a video game and I can’t remember if Amazon or Netflix were doing it. But at the bottom of the casting call: ‘No Game of Thrones actors’.”

There are rumors that say that Beattie is speaking about the upcoming The Witcher TV series, which is set to star Henry Cavill.

He continued:

“And that’s not the first time that’s happened. And I’m thinking, there’s some pretty bloody good actors in Game of Thrones. What the heck? But they did not want any form of brand recognition. That’s to do with the identity of the show. This is obviously a show that sees itself as a Game of Thrones-type show.”

Beattie makes a good point. If you’re a big production house that wants to create a competitor to such a big franchise, you obviously don’t want to make it too similar. With Game of Thrones, the actors are very recognizable by the fan base, and as a series in the same domain with chances of sharing the fan base, this kind of a decision seems smart. Not so good for Game of Thrones actors looking for their next break, though. Beattie threw some shade on the project on his way out:

“It isn’t out yet, it’s being made I think as we speak. So they obviously don’t want any crossover whatsoever, which is fair enough. I won’t be watching it, but OK.”

What do you think about the whole thing? Talk to us in the comments, down below!



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