NEW Snoke Theory Explained | Evidence From The Last Jedi | SPOILERS


Okay… We’ve got to talk about Snoke in The Last Jedi… Yes, he’s gone, and it is a bit of a slap in the face of theory crafters. There’s a lot to unpack after Episode 8, but I am more intrigued than ever about who Snoke could be. In this video, I talk about everything Snoke in The Last Jedi and give you my latest theory on who he is. Let’s talk about!

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  1. You should check your facts on Alex (SWE)… he’s one of the only big time channels that has been proclaiming snoke is flat out dead (period!) since his first review, you must be confused

  2. it kind of annoys me that there has been the whole cortosis explanation for deflecting lightsabers for ages and they go out of their way to make it a technological device to explain it instead in this movie.

  3. That's so funny, I was super stoked when Kylo sliced Snoke in two. I was like "No they didn't… and half way through the movie. Oh yes, they truly are having Kylo go through a reverse hero cycle. The eeeevil cycle. He's top dog now." There had been a lot of hints that Kylo was going to become the big bad, but how could he do that with Snoke around? You can only get away with that once (Vader/Emperor). With the Hux, Snoke, Kylo relationship, Kylo would always be a puppet.

    I like that theory that Palps and Snoke were both looking for that dark side entity and Snoke found it first versus Snoke was that dark side entity. It gives reason to why he is so force powerful and why Luke and Leia both say that Snoke got to Kylo. Plus why Snoke needs all the true Jedi to die. That dark side entity knows it's only real enemy is true Jedi. I'm a little behind on the Vader comic, but Jacosta Nu might also be a piece of the puzzle and why Palps needed her (But like I said, I'm behind and talking out my bum on this one).

    I'm not worried we are not going to get rich material eventually on Snoke. Look what they have done with Tarkin. It will probably be a lot cooler and better than 30 seconds – 2 minutes in a film. I actually wish Lucas film would start considering doing new types of entertainment/media. Comics, novels, and movies are fine (TV shows too), but what about shorts? Forces of Destiny was awesome (for the target audience of 4 year olds poeple) What about now expanding to 7-15 minute shorts for the target audience of Star Wars: 10-12 year olds. Yes, that is the target audience of Star Wars. Don't let anyone else or yourself try to fool you. Those would be real entertaining and with this supposed streaming network, would work well. Cause right now, I'm not buying it. There would have to be a whole lot of something to be nickeled and dimed into that game.

  4. Snoke must have "two thrones", the Supremacys Throne next to the oculus. Plus I believe one under Vaders Castle, built upon the Force nexus and in concept art within a cave sitting surrounded by Mustafarian molten lava, seen in Ep.7. Posing the question that did he transpose his spirit to the Throne Room?.

  5. NOW, let's THINK about this… YES, THEY ARE GOING TO EXPLAIN THIS STUFF!!! It's SIMPLE #SupplyAndDemand!! The fans WANT IT, so Lucasfilm (not Disney, they just OWN and DISTRIBUTE it all) WILL have novels, comics, tv shows, etc. that FANS WILL BUY and they can #capitilize on!! It's really common sense. Lucasfilm pulled it off with what is called CARROT DANGLE MARKETING. They just CAN'T explain it with these other mediums UNTIL the trilogy is OVER, just like THE TWO OTHER trilogies and things that came AFTER them!! #PATIENCE
    LOTS of GOOD questions proving you chose to have an OPEN MIND rather than being narrow-minded​ about this movie.

  6. snoke is dead, he served his purpose. you're right about the denial thing, it's pathetic. rian johnson, and star wars in general, doesn't owe the fans, or the "theory crafters", jack shit. the mistake hardcore fans make all the time is assuming the films are made just for them, then they get disappointed when their expectations aren't met and it's "just not star wars". really pisses me off how entitled that is, not to mention we'd be stuck in an endless loop of the same stuff if these fans were listened to. tfa was too derivative, now tlj is too different. nobody minded that the emperor died in the film he was properly introduced in, back in '83, but people lost their minds that snoke died before we knew every last detail about him. i hate the way the star wars fanbase has gone, it's all about the fluff instead of interesting stories now so no wonder tlj was poorly received by so many. bottom line, it's just too sophisticated for hardcore star wars fans that just want the millennium falcon and lightsaber duels. but somehow that's "trolling the fans"… ah, i give up

  7. A much better direction for this trilogy would have been to ditch the PC sjw crap and start off with Luke training new Jedi. One could have turned and by the 3rd installment a new threat of dark side users could have been the story. But no gotta have Stormtroopers and social justice.

  8. In the creation of Anakin we saw THE FORCE create a balance. The way i understood it was that ALL DARK SIDE POWER, because so few were tapping into it, it forced the FORCE (yeah i know, lol), to place it all into Sidious and Plagius. Where in the FORCE which was aware of what would happen, created Anakin in response.
    Plagius feared Anakin and rightly so.

    Then Luke appeared and the FORCE created him as a chosen one. Though far less trained than Anakin or any Jedi for that matter, he, similar to Rey, learned to use Force powers VERY QUICKLY, as well as on his own through texts and by instinct.

    Asoka and the Bindu are the NEW line of thought that i REALLY thought would be part of episode 8 more.

    The Grey Jedi or rather REAL JEDI use dark and light. Thus, the balance is maintained as life is both dark and light, yin and yang just a the ANCIENT JEDI SYMBOL IS A YIN YANG JEDI

    So. Very simply. Sith and Jedi were wrong. Both misguided.
    If the JEDI who refused to SEE THE DARK were to rule, the universe HAS TO CREATE EQUAL DARKSIDE POWER to maintain.

    The same goes for when the Sith Rule.

    Religion and Politics DO NOT AND SHOULD NEVER MIX.

    The only way to keep balance is to accept dark and light. It is not the blade that chooses to kill or save, it is its wielder

    Luke uses a dark side power in Jedi right away. I felt Luke would be the one to balance dark and light. But nope. The story has gone a different way, but it will come back to The Balance

  9. 8 was terrible. I left the theater hating it. I think Disney is just gonna drag it out and keep making more sequels and prequels with dumb cliffhangers and bad plots, kinda like they are doing with Pirates. 😞

  10. I do not agree with dismissing people who have legitimate issues with the movie as "haters" because this movie was far far away from perfect. Snoke being truly dead would be such a disservice to rhe character that it makes me question the people who made this movie. It all comes down to wasted potential honestly and poor plot

  11. They were protected by high Tech layered plates with conductive wire inside. This made them able to deflect balasters and even a light saber blow. However this made the Guards live in constant pain.

  12. Kylo is the new supreme leader of like 10 gorilla walkers, and like 30 storm troopers. And he's lost to Rey what like twice now? First he wanted to kill Rey and then he saved her. Weakest villain ever. Vader would mop the floor with Kylo. Bunch of trashcans.

  13. I really like how well you explain why you were pissed at first and what you expectations are for the next movie. I wish more Star Wars fans would explain their frustrations and expectations like you instead of just being angry. So many people say TLJ is shit because – imo – they weren't open to anything else other that their headcanon.
    I don't necessarily have to have him back but I want retrospectively now a bit more about him too (hopefully in the next movie?) because it would solidify him as a horrible bad guy.

  14. At first I thought they may bring Snoke back to life too but I noticed something the last time I watched the movie about the opening scene between Snoke and Kylo/Ben.

    Does anyone else notice how meta the scene between Kylo/Ben Solo and Snoke was at the beginning of the film? I mean Rian pretty much made Snoke into a stand in for angry fan boys. Think about what he says to Kylo/Ben Solo in that moment and I’ll paraphrase here “when I found you I saw raw, untamed power, and beyond that something truly special.” Everyone was amazed by Kylo’s introduction and it shows him as this super powerful force wielder.Then he says, “the potential of your bloodline, a new Vader.” Not all, but the majority of fanboys and some fangirls wanted Kylo to be Vader 2.0. Then he states, “now I fear I was mistaken…” some fans (not all, I think the majority from hard core to casual actually like Kylo) are pissed Kylo is not what they wanted Kylo to be, pure evil dark side Vader who acts viciously with no remorse and no conflict. Kylo defends himself saying he’s given all he can to the dark side including sacrificing his own father who as we learn later in the movie he doesn’t hate, which is the very act that some fans condemn him for all eternity for following through with it. Snoke tells him, “look at you it’s split you to the bone you’re unbalanced. Bested by a GIRL WHO HAD NEVER HELD A LIGHT SABER! You FAILED!!!” For the last 2 years all I’ve been hearing from angry fans especially the angry fanboys is how pissed they are that Rey could overpower Kylo Ren having had no training. They call her a Mary Sue and call Kylo weak for losing to her. Which is pretty much what Snoke says to him in that statement (not the Mary Sue thing just him getting beat by an untrained little girl) I think in this movie we begin to understand that Kylo purposely held back, he did not want to kill or harm her which is why he gets so pissed that Snoke has to zap his ass with force lightening. Kylo is fucking angry at that because he has tried to do everything guy asked of him including “if what you say about this girl is true, bring her too meeeee.” Also Kylo has his own reasons for not trying to kill her. Snoke even accuses him of being weak like his father. Then we get the full monte “Alas you’re no Vader, you’re just a child in a mask.” What have I heard fans saying about Kylo the last 2 years, “he’s a whiney brat, Crylo Ren, he’s a big baby who throws fits, HES NOTHING LIKE VADER!” After this confrontation what does Kylo do??? He smashes the mask which is a huge “fuck you” to Snoke (the angry fan stand in) metaphorically saying, “you’re right I’m not fucking Vader you ass holes I’m a whole new and completely different character.” It is cracking me up how big time meta this movie is towards the fandom lol I love it! 😍 let’s not forget that at the climax of the Reylo story Kylo fucking kills Snoke for Rey. What do you think that metaphor means lmmfao I LOVE YOU RIAN JOHNSON!!!!

  15. The armor was constructed with wirepaths that create a magnetic field when powered. However it cannot deflect straight blows, only swipes. Thats why the lightsaber was able to go right through that poor guys face.

  16. The scene looks good ( visually)- with Kylo killing Snoke but I hate it. I can't let Disney slide. You don't kill him at this moment also how Witty he is and you kill him because he's monologuing…… That's some cartoon bullshyt. Don't accept it because you fear there's nothing we can do about it. If we let this slide Disney will not care what the fans want it what makes sense. They will do the transformer thing like… Disney: They will go watch it anyways just make sure it looks good. It will make us money. I don't hate Rian Johnson! I hate the ignorance of blocking out episode 7 and this movie will be how I want it to be. Continuity! Don't treat me like a kid and say it doesn't matter. It does. I love Star Wars! But I will not falter. I want a new episode 8. 99% it won't happen but They will here my cry. No, I won't do anything crazy but I will send emails and call.

  17. Great video


    I think snoke isn’t dead because I think It was a mind trick on Rey done by Snoke or Kylo to make Rey a part of the first order or a trick done by snoke to give Kylo’s full potential and to trick Rey and the rebels also a another reason he isn’t dead because the next film episode 9 will be called the black diamond and snoke had a black diamond and when you search up the film episode 9 the actor of snoke is in the cast so I think he isn’t dead

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