As much evidence of our girl Nymeria as I could find in books 1-5 of “A Song of Ice and Fire”

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Nymeria by Karla Ortiz

Almost in F – Tranquillity by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (



  1. I like to imagine that Nymeria and her giant pack of wolves will meet Cersei in a symbolic encounter. "Kings Landing has fallen to the Dragon Queen. Cersei and the remnant of her guard are struggling to make way through knee deep snow, struggling to survive not to later regain power for their bitch Queen, but to just make it to the dawn of the next day. The sulky and broken Queen doesn't say much as her mind overrun with the loss of her beloved children and more so, the destruction of her power as a Queen. The small group enters a forest to hide from the eyes of Danny's dragon. As they continue forward into the ominous forest, night falls to embrace them in night that is darker than any have seen. As they march, a handful of wolves are spotted by the soldiers. A soldier near Cersei remarks, "By the Seven, I pray that the tales of a massive wolf pack led by the giant she wolf are not based on these wolves. Cersei, being her typical bitchy self, snaps an insult at the man, " If a few glorified mutts are enough to frighten you then it is a shame that braver men died at Kings Landing than you. Be quiet". The soldier obeys, yet the look in his eyes caused a shiver to course through her that was not caused by the cold. A few hours pass, a few more Lannister men succumb to the cold or wounds. Howling can be heard, frightenly close some would say. The group decides to camp to rest, much to Cersei's displeasure, which she voices. She orders them march, yet only a handful appear to obey. The rest look at her with dead eyes that hide little of their veiled hostility. Cersei, being ever oblivious to the threat wordlessly spoken by the exhausted soldiers, commands them once more to march on note that they will obey her as she is the Queen. Partway into her rant, a howl interrupts her and causes her to thankfully shut up. The howl is answered by others soon after. A chorus of howls resonates in the forest, a song whose unwilling audience would rather not hear. The few fires lit by some of the soldiers allow them to see wolves pacing around them, while others looked on at their meal of the night. After a moment, a huge wolf appears that dwarfs the other wolves. The howling ends, the frightened voices of the soldiers fall silent. Cersei is struck silent as well. She then finds herself realizing that the massive wolf must be a direwolf, and not only that it was a direwolf but that the huge beast looked awfully familiar. Nymeria then raises her mouth upward to utter a howl that caused a few soldiers to piss themselves. The hordes of her pack then rush in toward the soldiers and Cersei. The soldiers form a defense to keep the wolves at bay. Some break and run off into the woods, only to be picked off by the wolves. Their screams are heard over the snarling wolves and shouts of the men. Men and wolf alike die to each other. The Lannister force slowly is brought to fewer men each hour. Eventually, only a remnant of the original force remains alive for not much longer. The snow is dyed red by the blood of wolves and lions. The air smells of blood and fear. Nymeria appears once more and looks directly at the Cersei. With what looked to be a grin, Nymeria races toward the small pack of Lannisters, followed by what appears to be hundreds of wolves. A soldier guarding Cersei runs away. Cersei shouts, "Come back, you coward! Defend your Queen!" The soldier replies, " I didn't vote for you!" He manages to somehow escape the slaughter. As the remaining Lannister soldiers are killed to the last man, Cersei finds herself surrounded by growling wolves. Curiously, none attack her. They seem to be purposely leaving her be, as if by command. As Cersei is shaking with fear and dread, as well as the cold, the growling ceases. Again, as if by command. The wolves part in a manner that echoes that of man. Nymeria then approaches from the darkness. She does not growl. She does not bare her fangs. She walks up to Cersei and pauses to look her in the eyes. Cersei shakily begins to raise her dagger toward her throat and yells, " I, the Queen, refuse to die by the pet of that Stark brat". A wolf rushes in and clamps his fangs onto the hand holding the dagger, forcing Cersei to her knees. Again, as if by command. Cersei looks up to find Nymeria inches from her face. The direwolf finally makes a sound; a menacing growl that causes Cersei to cry in fear and terror. "Compose yourself! You are the Queen and should die bravely! Like the Lion that you are, the last Lion of House Lannister" she told belief in her head. Yet she could not, the fear left her unable to obey the last order of Queen Cersei. Nymeria then savagely bites into her neck. Cersei screams amidst the gushing blood that coats the muzzle of Nymeria, the blood that decorates the snow. Nymeria tears out the lion's throat and so the dying scream of Cersei Lannister is silenced. As the life leaves the eyes of Cersei, the eyes of Arya Stark open with life many miles away. " I had a wonderful dream, dear sister", says Arya. "What kind of dream?", asks Sansa. "A dream of a feast, a feast of Lions" replied, Arya, with a grin.

  2. Thank you so much for this video. I didn't know your channel till today that I was looking for Nymeria's videos. Today's episode was heartbreaking. 🙁
    Thank you also for the suggestion of Robin Hobb's books. I am gonna buy those. You have a new subscriber.

  3. Can someone please take a look at the cold open when he has the girls serve wine… the first one looks like the same girl that Arya used the face of to kill Walder Frey. I went back to look at Season 6 episode 10 when she kills him. In Season 7 Episode 1 when Walder Frey nods for them to serve the wine, it looks like the same girl. The significance of this would be confirmation that Arya can use the face of the living… Let me know what you think.

  4. I love the Farseer trilogy! Many times I made the connections of Jon and Fitz. I'm glad you made the recommendation and back it up wholeheartedly!

    I love your vids, enjoy your calming voice! Please keep up the great work!

  5. Seeing as you brought up the Farseer trilogy in this video, I have to ask if you have read the other trilogy's by Robin Hobb? She just finished up what looks to be the set of Realm of the Elderlings in May of this year. There are 2 more trilogies about Fitz as well as the Liveship and the Dragon Keepers series. The very last set ties all of them together and IMHO I like her books better than ASOIAF. The world is much smaller but her writing is greatest I have run across in years. No other author I have ever seen can flesh out an entire set of characters from one point of view the way she does.

  6. I watched one of your videos and quickly hit the Subscribe button. A few more of your past uploads, and I am sure I will not get disappointed by your insight. As for Nymeria, I have my own little theory, backed by some foreshadowing and my own wishes for Arya's story, and things I'd like to see happen. Now for the big **SPOILER ALERT** (even though this is only my theory). Nymeria will be the end of Petyr Baelish, as has been foreshadowed once directly, and many times indirectly. During the first "King in the North" crowning of Robb Stark, we remember that GreatJon Umber had actually bared steel in Winterfell while under Guest Rights, which is a major violation. Gray Wind attacked and took …YES! …his little fingers! For the indirect foreshadowing, you have to know when Guest Rights end. Each guest is given a trinket to signify the end of Guest Rights. What gift might Arya add? The Gift from the Many-Faced God, of course! With the show's habit of finding new and exciting ways to show how someone might die, having his throat ripped out by a direwolf is notably absent.

  7. In one of the early chapters from Game of Thrones, Arya has a chat with Jon and she jokingly says that her house sigil would be a wolf with a fish in it's mouth, combining house Tully and Stark in one. The second time I read the series I almost cried as I remembered her wolf-dream when she pulls Cat out of the river.

  8. with the shortened season and crazy cgi budget they claim to be spending i fully expect to see a army of wolves in the war for dawn at the least……sidenote am i the only one tha really wants to see ice spiders too?

  9. I think Nymeria will be back. We won't see her wolf pack in CGI, but we will see Nymeria. I just cannot think of a context. Will the wolves fight the white walkers? That would be epic, but expensive to shoot.

  10. Well done video and thanks for the book suggestion, will look into them. Possible SPOILER
    I can't wait to see the wolf pack in use, both in books and show, though I have a feeling due to budget we will only see Nymeria one or two times in season 7(there is a spoiler out there for those interested) and then one scene with the full wolfpack in action in season 8, Summer may have been killed for Nymeria, financially by the show, just my opinion.

  11. Agree with you on the Farseer books, great as well, Fitz is a lot like John Snow. Also, Perrin from Wheel of Time has a similar arc as John Snow (where I hope John ends up)

  12. Mmmmmmmmm. I dunno, from the show perspective atleast i dont think they'd want to make 2 more starks wargs or can they have wolf dreams as a kind of seperate thing? I know in the books john dreams of the crypts bellow winterfell and there is stuff relating to that but yeah. I guess there are more opportunities for the high fantasy in the book than the show? I dunno

  13. in the books aria's dreams (and Jon's) from the wolf perspective, are written like bran's were, almost as if they are warging into their dire wolves like bran into summer. Will they be established as wargs in the books?

  14. I believe Ayria will choose to end her life as a human and stay with the pack. She will warg and never return basically. She may marry Gendry first though. His death would be the catalyst for staying a wolf.

  15. I hope the reunion is: Arya is in great danger in the Riverlands and just when all seems lost Nymeria comes out of the woods/shadows to save her. Also Masie went to Canada to film wolf scenes, so you're right – we'll probably get Nrmeria but not the pack. Cool video.

  16. Great video, and this sleight background music is an awesome touch! 🙂
    Interesting learning that, you made me want to read both the Song of Ice and Fire books, and these others you mentioned, but could you tell me their exact title?
    Thanks! 🙂

  17. I hated farseer trilogy, a very unlikeable protagonist but what I hated most was the rules of the world kept changing to suit the plot. if you want some truly great epic fantasy try wheel of time

  18. I think Arya will definitely reunite w/her wolf and I bet she does next season on the show too. The wolfpack is bound to do something badass by the end of all of this. I was hoping the dire wolves would be the ones to tear Ramsey apart and eat him, but I guess his own dogs doing it was ok too. Direwolves would've been better though as it reinforces the Stark strength, and how no one can truly take down the Starks. The show also better start putting Ghost in it a lot more as last season he was noticeably absent to the point that we're left wondering where he is or if he's still alive. Very unlike Jon to not have Ghost around him, especially for that battle.

  19. Thanks for the book recommendation! I'm going to check those out once I'm done w/ASOIAF. Halfway through book 4 now and was hoping for WoW to come out before season 7 starts but I doubt it.

  20. another good video. I look forward to there reunion at some point. in the next two seasons. it will be the second biggest reunion i believe. I think Arya and Jons will be the biggest. Gendry is a close third lol

  21. Where did you get that picture of Bran the Builder being carried on a litter? I had never seen that before, but it looks like one of those things that tell the world's histories on the DVD's. If so, it adds a lot of credence to the idea that Bran Stark is actually going back in time to build the wall.

  22. I too believe we will see Nymeria and perhaps her pack next season. Maybe she will serve as an extra reminder for Arya of who she is, besides being an assassin. She still considers herself a Stark but reconnecting with Nymeria, seeing John and Sansa again, would really emphasize it.
    Perhaps she will end up reconnecting with Sansa and Nymeria as John is north of the Wall

  23. Very nicely done! Perhaps Arya will connect with Nymeria first in a dream now that she's returned to Westeros? It would be excellent for the show to incorporate a she-wolf/human killing machine to flank the armies in the battle with the dead. Arya, the new warrior queen. Gendry will find that she's not the scruffy little girl he remembers. I enjoyed this segment Kev. I agree with that other poster that you put good content into your videos. Something for us to think about. I would read that trilogy you recommended, if not for the fact that I spend every waking hour reading already for school.

  24. Fantastic video. As someone who struggles to read I enjoy watching your videos for extra information I haven't read yet. I'm half way through book one and I aim to finish it by the end of May. Keep up the great videos look forward to the next one.

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