The first climactic lightsaber battle in the Star Wars franchise was….pretty lame. It was two old men kinda prodding at each other – of course, this was long before they had the budget for better choreography, or even the idea that lightsaber battles could be dynamic, visceral fights, with elaborate moves and flips and stuff. Still, while that original battle is full of emotion and meaning, it’s hard to go back to it and not recognize how LAME it is.

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  1. Obi-Wan vanishing made NO sense, it was never explained why that happened. I wasn't even sur ehe had actually died the first time I saw it because he literally vanishes with no body.

  2. Well people have pointed out the problems with the props, so I will also bring up that the man in the Darth Vader suit could barely see the actor in front of him. Another reason why this fight was so weak.
    I've seen people talk defend this and talk about the emotion of the meeting, but honestly, we know very little about Darth Vader and Obi-Wan's history in this fight, there's very little emotion going into it. If anybody tries to defend it out of realism, real sword fights have more movement than this, and so did the fights in the next two movies.

  3. Imo I feel like Darth did this on purpose to go easy on Obi Wan. I think he knew he was gonna win but I think it was kinda of hard for him to kill someone he knew most of his life.

  4. The demographic for Star Wars back then is pretty different from its current demographic. Back then it was about character development, immersive atmosphere and a deep telling story. These days it's about flips, special effects and robots.

  5. well in all honesty, this is a climactic battle of two old people. One a prestigious leader of an entire galactic empire, the other once regarded as a legend in the eyes of the same empire his pupil now leads

  6. To be fair.. they really were old and sh*t… did you think you'd have been able to stop them otherwise Luke? Heck, even being old and crippled, Luke only won cause his dad didn't go all out…

  7. Luke: Stop prodding each other like a couple of elderly assholes!

    Obi Wan: I'm like 70.

    Vader: Yeah, and I'm a burn victim can only survive with cybernetic enhancements and a breathing apparatus. Cut us some slack.

    Luke: You guys are complete pussies!

    Vader: Hey! Don't you talk back to your father, young man!


    Obi Wan: Ahhhhhhh shit.

  8. Darth Vader has incredibly limited movement due to having, I dunno, three lost limbs and being on a ventilator? Also, this is of course around 15-20 YEARS after Vader's horrible accident, so imagine the deterioration and continued need for increased life support in that time.

    Obi Wan is literally an old man.

    Now, the important part is what you don't see. I believe that if Luke was standing that close, he would be pushed back by the powerful forces of, well, the Force that were being used. They were both trying to hold each other down and keep each other from using their even now limited movement to attack.

    Sorry it's not glamorous enough to watch.

  9. What's funny is that the choreographer obviously took into consideration that a lightsaber's blade will cut through anything, and the moves are pretty reasonable for two guys wielding what amounts to overpowered omnidirectional chainsaws.

  10. i love these 8bit non pokeman dorkly bits! this was cool even the 8bit background music is spot on! And yes the newer generation of kids see it this way. they actually call this movie boring… then they proceed to text/tweet/facebook each other to death about the stupidest sh!t

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