In the opening scene of the books, there is a HUGE clue about a Night King Theory that is not so loved, but one that I bet will be the biggest reveal of not only Game of Thrones Season 8, but the entire show and story.

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  1. Still rockin' the house with your scholarship and study evident in the videos, Bridge. As soon as I get all this moving stuff straightened out, I'll probably spend the day catching up on all your videos. I can't wait. Take care. Cheers, y'all.

  2. Hey Kev! I finally just signed up to be 10$ patreon. 1$ just wasn't enough, Can you set up a 10$ group so others might join us? The " watchers", (watchers on the wall) have to be dead nights watchmen. Faceless=the faceless men may all be dead…the many faces of death..the many faced god.
    Sentinel tree (sentinel, means watcher) I interpreted as more reinforcement that the WW Are (dead, faceless) nights watchmen, possibly those from the (12) last hero story. Absolutely agree about 13th lord commander, a stark, is the night king. A Stark must always be in winterfell to raise the Starks in the crypt (who are only sleeping, Ned recalls their icy blue eyes staring at him) to defeat or subdue the night king if he awakens. Royces blood was red…."Benjen Starks blood runs black like mine" (from book 1, a game of thrones ) because he's a brother of the nightswatch. Stark blood, not Royce blood, being hinted as having power. Thanks for another great video Love QOT.🌹

  3. Great video! I think the show has lacked proper explanation of The Others, and more specifically, the Night King. We still have no idea what he and his army truly want. I think the books are more subtle with the references. The show is using the CGI aspect of them to attract viewers and stuff, but I think there is a lot more to their story. I hope that we can get a solid explanation about what they are doing and what they want. I don't see them as the evil monsters other people see them as. But again, great video!

  4. kev. if u watch the begining you will see (4) white walkers and 1 wight the lil girl ! when white walker takes the head off garret just behind them there is 3 more watching. but when thier being chased i hear the scroth i think 8times. do u think that means anything in the show! here i go again gonna watch the whole series yet again !!

  5. kev. if u watch the begining you will see (4) white walkers and 1 wight the lil girl ! when white walker takes the head off garret just behind them there is 3 more watching. but when thier being chased i hear the scroth i think 8times. do u think that means anything in the show! here i go again gonna watch the whole series yet again !!

  6. i watched again (wow) thats deep ! i totally agree that man,. ruins the earth and everything else it touches. if that is the intention of the story they should show us the way it was meant to be seen! by being a show watcher i never would have got that without your input .i did hear the way they communicate its a weird sound (scroth hugh! thanks for the am totally addicted to this show i live breath and dream (G.O.T)

  7. i watched again (wow) thats deep ! i totally agree that man,. ruins the earth and everything else it touches. if that is the intention of the story they should show us the way it was meant to be seen! by being a show watcher i never would have got that without your input .i did hear the way they communicate its a weird sound (scroth hugh! thanks for the am totally addicted to this show i live breath and dream (G.O.T)

  8. Hey Dork! Happy Hump Day 😀 thanks for bringing a different perspective to Prologue. How did we miss this stuff? ASOIAF is truly meant to be re-read in order to understand what is going on in the story.

  9. Still on board with the White Walkers being benign. As you've said, they're associated with nature and nature isn't good or evil, it's just nature. Volcanoes, for instance, have no ill intention when they erupt and destroy houses and no good intentions when they make the land richly fertile. They just do what they do. The White Walkers are likely the same way. It's hard, since they have a human form and seeming intelligence and sentience, not to read malice into what they do but in the books at least I expect them to be more alien in thinking, doing some action that is beyond moral alignments. The show might be a bit more simplistic in making them ambiguous though but I think it's still going to go that way.

  10. Still with you, Creed. You know I'm big on the 13th LC's + 1 as the ice-priestess answer to Stannis' + 1 Melisandre, but I like the poetry of "she" as winter itself. Chills ; )

    But was he ever truly the 13th Lord Commander? That's definitely the character who became Nights King, yes. But is that number derived from he himself being the 12 Companions +1 at the Nightfort? No doubt all this is book only while the show paints it black but I wonder where he'll turn out to be? Is he under a Wierwood at the Heart of Winter? Or under Winterfell itself? Cosied up with the Corpse Queen? Or spirited away inside every tree in every Godswood, crying out from the faces and waiting to be reborn?

           "Nothing is true
      Everything is permitted"

  11. i luv ur vids too …but i only watch the show and the books dont help with the show and didnt see number of walkers .ive watched the first scene at least 30 to 40 times !!! gonna have to watch again

  12. You're definitely on to something with the number 12, it will be cool to see more details in season 8. I think that there must have been an actual woman even tho Winter is a woman too. Do you know how many dragons have been named in the books? Another great video dork (not!)♥

  13. For what it is worth, George R R Martin has said that there will be no Night King character in the books. He said that in the 'book world' the Night King is an historical figure that is long gone, and seeing him in no more likely than Lan the Clever, etc. As for the quote about the Tolkiens & Dark Lords I agree completely – in George Martin's books. I don't think the White Walkers are going to turn about to be evil like Sauron. You give Benioff & Weiss too much credit though, the show has ceased to have the complexity and originality of the books and is a rushed, cliched piece of fan ficiton now.

  14. Hasn't GRRM already said that the 13th lord commander no longer exists and should be thought of as similar to bran the builder etc. So no, the show night's king will not turn up in the book as the 13th lord commander, no more than bran the builder or garth greenhand will turn up.

  15. “The Other slid gracefully from the saddle to stand upon the snow. Sword-slim it was, and milky white.”
    “Look there, through the trees. Pink light. Dawn, Sam. Dawn. That must be east. If we head that way, we should catch Mormont.”
    The three questions driving me crazy still are 1) What are the Andels connection to the others? 2) Is Dawn one of the Others swords (maybe with some blood magic too) and how did the Dayne's get that sh$t? 3) What did Podrick do to those prostitutes? Great Video, thanks as always!

  16. I have to agree, I don't believe he's evil either. He/ they want something, not necessarily anything bad. He/they are unhappy about something. We'll find out… soon. Great video, Still loving your voice! 🙂

  17. If the Walkers are being controlled by a hive-mind, and the Knight King is the leader, it could be possible that it’s only his intentions that are malicious or, as you said, gray. It’s easy to see history from a one sided view, we tend to make villains from shadows when we don’t yet have the full picture.

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