Here’s me recap and review of Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4, called “The Spoils of War”. Cheers ya legends!
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Music used in this video:
Pearl Jam – World Wide Suicide
Ed Sheeran – Masters of War (Bob Dylan cover)
Intended as a cheeky work of Fair Dealing – parody, satire, review, commentary.
Ozzy Man
Your GoT reviews are fucking hilarious

The joerg sprave reference is great
Let me show you it's features!!!
Bran is the most unlikely to be the king, so he will probably will be.
who actually whatches the review

If Jaime dies Im done! That freaking chiseled jaw and golden Was Sansa jealous of Arya when she was fighting Brienne? She got really weird. Am I the only one that wants Littlefinger dead already or at the very least out of Winterfell? ….. They know their enemies have dragons yet no one thinks of flame retardant armor?? You're reviews always have me dying of laughter out loud which is a hard feat. " Davos had stolen Greyworm's crayons" " Just help us" Priceless…Dead!! lol Keep up the good job.
3:21 Is that a reference to Joerge Sprave? The slingshot channel?
lmao BARBECUE!!! you're awesome Ozzy, keep it up
"Drogon says, Nah M8"
Its reminds me of an interesting Test Match Commentary.
"Here's a shit idea that's gonna do fuckall"

Thank you @Ozzy Man for your reviews they are great. I love every second of them. and you summed up everything great!
Did anyone notice that ozzyman cut scenes in that perfectly fit the song in the review time?
Let me show you its features
Great choice, playing Master of War by Bob Dylan.
Only Aussies fully understand this top bloke's reviews lol. Very liberal with the slangs.
Damn it mate! Your commentary is so full of energy! I love you dude !
"Nah mate your gunna get FUCKING TOASTED! !!!"

Why isn't there a review of your trip to Canada?
You wait till you watch the latest episode!
Loved the slingshot channel reference.
What song is that at the review?
"Hes like 'I thought this was a puddle, its turned into a fuckin ocean…'" LMFAO I died