Hey Guys! After being a HUGE fan of Austin’s for a few months now (culminating in us by PURE CHANCE releasing videos tackling the same Minecraft topic from two different angles), we’re super excited to have Austin on board as the newest THEORIST! And I know a lot of you have been eager for MOAR SCIENCE on the channel, so here it is But, as always, since it is a new show, let me know what you think – at the end of the day, new things are always meant to make your lives more entertaining, so if you love it, AWESOME. If you hate it…well, hopefully you don’t hate it.
To Evolve, or not to evolve, that is the question. Sure there are plenty of strategic reasons to figure out the exact timing of your Pokemon’s Evolution; but what about the disastrous, world ending implications? That’s right – it’s NEVER the right time to evolve your Pokemon! This knowledge might just save your life. In today’s Episode of The SCIENCE!, Austin breaks down what really needs to happen in order for your Magikarp to become a Gyrados and the truth behind this metamorphoses is utterly terrifying.
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So wait, this is a new series right? I really like this guy.
This is all very full metal alchemist

You asked for something that makes no god damn sense right? Friggin Space Austin, friggin space.
I want a magicarp now!
did you know that pokeballs are deadly
What's the first song?
nyah hah hah!!! it's fell papyrus!
Here's how it actually works. The Pokémon convert kinetic energy from battle into a dense soupy substance called exp, which they then store in a special internal exp sac. When the sac hits a critical mass of exp, the sac ruptures and flows throughout the Pokémons body, causing their genetic material to semi-liquify and reform using the added mass of the exp.
You can get a 2ds for, like, 80 dollars
why curse
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How about if they gather energy when leveling up?
When you realize that magic exists as Arceus the god of all pokemon exists
Um could you repeat that pls
Why so many dislikes? Austin's videos are pretty entertaining.
Oh god… I haven't laughed that hard in months… This entire video… I'm claiming that it's wrong by saying this and really I only understand about 12% of what the hell he's saying, but my god is it hilarious… I think Austin might just be my new Yahtzee.
Maybe we did have Pokemon in the past but a Pokemon evolved and we had to kill all of them…
Does anyone know what he's saying
Rewatching this I am thinking that the EXP they build up before evolution can feed the process of gaining mass and energy for 'evolution'
5:12 "Nobody really wants to see that" I mean….most people don't, but R34 exists for a reason….jus' sayin'
…There is always that one person who thought ralts looked good to um….uh…you know where this is going, I'm just going to stop before I end up on a watch list or something and gross myself out at the same time thinking about this too hard.
I love you, this intensity just boils my blood
So basically the big bang could not have happened because the big bang generated from nothing.
OMG my favorite Pokemon is on the front of the video. (Magikarp)
9:39 that my teacher teaching us history and religion.
i have F at history and religion…
remoraid to octillary
But Austin, what about ghost pokemon?
Respect for George and Jerry saying tryptophan
He called spirited away cartoon..
. Just saying
I would have done Wailmer and Wailord. Almost 600 lbs of difference.
10:39 – He misspelled "sulfur."
not I killed MatPat and took his channel
Making logic out of nonesense, I bet the pokemon makers never thought of this they just wanted to rip on digimon a bit
You're killing the pokemon fanchis and you cussing A LOT more that mat
10:42 You spelled sulfur wrong.
well,this brings up another question. what about the cosmog line. from cosmog(0 kg)t0 cosmoem(999.8 kg) to either sogaleo(230 kg) or lunala (120 kg)
I have a theory to disprove yours!
Evolving Pokemon use energy from the environment, such as atmospheric electricity, solar radiation, moonlight, and the glow from streetlights and other lamps to gain mass by converting the energy into mass.
You even mentioned the thing about energy>mass conversion!
That moment when you thought it would be MatPat but then realize that it's Austin
If anything IV breeding resembles evolution more
i loled too hard with the final explination that austin gave ,HAHAHA
Oh god….. welp Ima never evolve my Pokémon again and also Austin u should do vids with other theorists 2
just shut up
OMG thats wat i need the nintendo ds and HART gold.PWEEEEEEEEEES
the rap god of all theorists————austin!!!!