Game Of Thrones alumni Harry Lloyd (Viserys) and Gethin Anthony (Renly) willingly settle in for a cosy, traumatising Thrones session.
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Game Of Thrones alumni Harry Lloyd (Viserys) and Gethin Anthony (Renly) willingly settle in for a cosy, traumatising Thrones session.
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grey wind lol
I read this as "Renly & Viserys React To Game of Thrones Best TITS"
Renly watches his own gay blowjob scene.
Don't even recognize these guys xD
That is grey wind, not shaggy dogЁЯШВ
You know shit's fucked when the top three comments of this video are made by Targaryens…
Never knew i needed this vid until i found it. These two are so nice!
viserys is 100x hotter in real life omg
Il est beau vyseris
Lloyd is really pretty tho, like a male with the beauty equivalent of MK+A Olsen combined
That's GreyWind you bitches!
They are all looking good on the real life. I love how viserys' legs exposed. Charming.
It was Greywind they killed at the Red Wedding ЁЯШв
Now I understand why England is being conquered.
renly also has a widow's peak
Wasn't Robb's Wolf Greywind?
Viserys is so handsome in real life.
They are both so fucking handsome
The "worst" is probably Richard Madden who has a thick Scottish accent in real life… and not at all in Game Of Thrones when he plays Robb Stark. Whis is terrific acting in itself.
Rewatching season 1 right now and DAMN Harry is good!!
Visenly: the ship I deserve.
They should do this again now with the rest of the series.
I wish we had more of this
Can anyone tell me why Dany had to chain her dragons??????? Did they do something wrong???? If so, can you tell what did they do ????????
This is so cute!
ohmg, two of the hottest people from the show coming together. I love this
I feel like Harry should dye his hair white … its suits him xD
i am not celebrating the striking of a child..2 secs later he celebrates it..its ok its joffrey lol
I'm not celebrating the striking of a child. Just wanna be clear on tha… KEEHAHAHAHA!
So this is what happens to everyone that dies
They should be a couple!
"is that summer?"
"no its shaggy"
the direwolves get snubbed every episode and every season
Renly looks like Diego Luna.
Viserys looks like Loky!
That direwolf is Grey Wind, dummies. ЁЯЩВ
i want one with gethin reacting to loras death
in my head the dead sit like that and reacts ЁЯША
Wasn't Harry Lloyd in Dumb and Dumber?
it's grey wind, not summer nor shaggy dog
Ah yes, two years and I am back here again. I am a man yet these two are insanely attractive, equally. And let me just say, Daenerys and Viserys would have made one sexy couple if only they weren't bro and sis. Though I suppose Targaryens don't care ЁЯШЙ
There not pets there here babys!
This gives me slightly an idea what Viscerys would think of Jon. "Not a real beard" lolol
I'm just sad they're gone because they're so sexy ЁЯШН тЭдя╕П
Only after I finished to watch the video I realised with disapointment that the title sats "bits" and not "tits".
Rip Viserion ЁЯЩБ