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  1. Eddie doesn't believe the Earth is flat he is just saying it has not been proven to be round…the only reason i even know about this gay ass show is because of Eddie…you two love birds should show some respect to the man !!!

  2. Just because people haven't seen something dose not mean it's not real. You can't see bacteria but it's there, explorers didn't see a gorilla until they were told about it. People say things like well I haven't seen it so it's not true, humans think they know all there is to know and what is real and not real, witch is senseable and logical so you don't end up being fooled by thing's. But gusss what we don't know half of it and if we think we do we are just closed minded people, and it's these one's that are wrong about life and it's unknowns.

  3. Has Joe rogan been mkultra'd? look at how he has changed with conspiracy's, one day is laughing taking the piss out of how pathetic the official story for 9/11 is the the next he is back to being a brainwashed sheep again that believes the official story, same with the moon landing he is a flip flopper of the highest order

  4. Astronomers take pleasure from observing an ellipse. It's like me saying to Joe, "I've seen one arm-bar, I get it, ok, I've seen it, I get it. I've seen a rear naked choke hold, I get it, I've seen it, ok, I get it. Why do watch those UFC events over and over and over again?"

    Over the last year Joe has become such a twat.

  5. I'd love to learn 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu from Eddie, though. I went down to his old headquarters one time and the receptionist told me that Eddie requires all new students to write an essay on why they want to learn jiu-jitsu.

  6. I'm with Eddie. The power of human perception is oh so limited, and the universe is oh so infinite. It's funny to see people eat up everything Government Science tells them, it's almost like they've never heard the story of Giordano Bruno. More power to you Mr. Bravo!

  7. lol why didnt we fly off the earth? what is this gravity bullshit? lol really Eddie has a whole toolbox missing. he jumps on such weird shit and really tries to sell it. watch the interview where he talks about saving iraq. looney toon

  8. These shoud Have their own radio show and have Eddie and Bryan on as regular Co hosts when their guests aren't that great. Joe fucking saved Brendan with that intervention and now you would never think this fuckers been knocked out 4 times like that. That's a true friend

  9. The rest of the world believe the world was flat at one point and thought all other people were retards. The world may not be exactly flat but it is on a flat plane or terrain.

  10. conspiracy addiction is a psychological condition that draws people who have underlying desire to be correct about an unknown truth that the rest of humanity cannot see, its a desire to be above the rest of the herd

  11. I considered Eddie like bottom 20% in term of humans because of his broken fucking brain and then how he writes everything off as "I'm crazy" while at the exact same time arguing to death bs. But fuck him with a flag pole talking about Chester man. All you have to do is listen to Linkin Park songs and it's sadly obvious he could be suicidal and this worthless sack of shit starts talking out of his ass because why exactly… RIP Chester bro… your songs changed my life and helped me think I wasn't the only one tortured in this life. Too bad artists like Chester kill themselves but Eddie is still walking around.

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