Welcome back for another Game of Thrones Season 7 Preview Trailer Breakdown. Let’s take a closer look at the Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Preview. This appears to be one of the most action packed Episodes this Season. Jon Snow and his companions are out beyond the Wall looking to capture a Wight. They will end up being ambushed by the Night King and his Army. Thoros of Myr will be killed by a Wight Polar Bear. Gendry will smash Wights with his War Hammer. Jon Snow will fight another White Walker one vs one. Daenerys Targaryen will show up with her Dragons and burn Wights. The Hound will capture a Wight. The Night King will kill a Dragon. Benjen Stark will save Jon Snow. Benjen Stark will be killed by Wights. The Night King will turn Viserion into a Wight Dragon! This Episode is going to be insane! Comment down below with all your thoughts. Thanks for watching!

Images from Game of Thrones are property of their creators, used here under fair use.

Light of the Seven Remix!

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  1. Gosh, you assessed those details from the preview so accurately, well done! This is why I never watch the trailers or listen to any material regarding GoT before an episode airs, I want to be surprised and feel the emotions in the moment, not have them spoiled.

  2. I think all the episodes leaked this season are part of HBOs strategy, here let me explain, Spoils Of War – leaked = becomes the most watched episode in GoT history, of course due to good word of mouth. Next Episode – Eastwatch – superb hype = surpasses even SoW on viewership. Episode 6 leakes, buzz is super high!!!

  3. they will need another scorpion this time the tip of the arrow needs to be dragon glass and the shank Valerian steel, its already been shown that it can hit the dragon, so if a dragon is turned it would be the best way to take it out.

  4. Probably one of the weakest episode of the series IMO. Nothing makes sense anymore and the writers don't seem to care very much about logic anymore. They made up the episode to be the greatest thing to come but it was just a letdown for me really. Kinda makes me sad and scared that the series is very likely gonna end on that level.

  5. Are the white walkers wargs as well? Maybe they can warg into dead bodies as well. This would explain why the whites dismantle the moment their walker dies. Also the eye color change is quite similar to when Bran wargs into Ravens. Their eyes turn white, which in the case of white walkers is just blue. Maybe that's how they control the white army as well!

  6. With all the dark ways I've heard about how this series is going to end i feel like it's its actually not going to turn out that bad. Especially with every one thinking that daenerys is definitely going to die I think it's possible she won't die at all.

  7. I know this is off topic but I just researched s7ep4. Bran told his sister's that the dagger was "MADE" to kill him. Please do a video on what you know about Bran. I have a bad feeling. Thanx.

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