After talking about performing on Broadway, Samuel L. Jackson catches Jimmy up on his Twitter account, which includes a photo of him letting everyone know who he isn’t.
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Samuel L. Jackson Is Not Laurence Fishburne
Denzel Washington was great in Star Wars.
how can one confuse em
mr fishburne chooses his roles with judicious thought.
he dont take ev thang that cums hiz way
Wasn't he the guy who got ass-fucked in Pulp Fiction?
I have facial recognition problems. Seriously, it creates some very embarrassing situations. With that in mind, I STILL WOULD HAVE NEVER THOUGHT SAMUEL AND LAURENCE LOOKED ANYTHING ALIKE! lol
I love Samuel L in Forrest Gump
The only show he hasn't been in is probably how to train ur dragon.
That's a show ~^~
oh that both sam n larry r both in mcu…hope they won't be sharing a scene in the same movie..imagine how confused them dumbass mofos would get… lol
actually, now that i said it..i DO wanna see nick fury in a scene with bill foster.
I just wish more questions were asked about his time in Chelsea FC.
Didier Drogba really is something special. I love the guy.
Love this interview with Denzel Washington he was really good in American Ganster
obviously this is bboy Lilou from France !
Just had to say…all the comments here are hilarious. Best group of responses on any video ever.
Jimmy Fallon came a long way from Corky Romano.
The worst part about this is the reporter was right… He wasn't confusing Samuel L. Jackson with anyone. There was an Avengers commercial that aired during the Super Bowl that featured Samuel L. Jackson. The reporter's mistake came when he froze and kept apologizing instead of clarifying on the spot. Jackson took that way too far, especially when he was in the wrong.
3:04 Skipperino Borringerino
And I thought Michael Jackson got so sick and pale that he died!
Man Bernie Mac lost a lotta weight. Good for him
Denzel looks so different now.
this guy was in django, looked good in blue.
Same topic but how much funnier it was with Graham Norton… smh
oh look Mr.Every Black Guy Ever is here
Denzel Washington
He was great in "Predator".
Good to see Denzel Washington with Jimmy Kimmel
see you around……officer
this black escaped my farm in 1938
5 dollar reward to whoever brings him back
You guys are dumb ass dick suckers. that"s Idris Elba!
Call me laurence Fishburne again i dare you
I double dare you !!!!
oh yay! Denzel Washington! one of my favourites!
this should be a running gag