Is Samwell Tarly the narrator of Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire? Combined with evidence from previous Seasons and Season 7 that seems to be the case! In This Video we will go over the evidence and talk about Who he’s reading to and what these gyroscopes and clues could mean?!? and if Bran Stark is helping Sam write the story!
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Song: VΛNTE – Oblivion
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Sources Used! ASOIAF Novels, HBO Series Game of Thrones, A **Knight of the Seven Kingdoms and A World of Ice and Fire.
**A Song of Ice and Fire
**Game of Thrones Season 6
**A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
**A World of Ice and Fire
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Sam kind of look like George R.R Martin .
I love this scenario. I think he will be telling all the children of the survivors and writing the histories as Maestres do. Old Nan is now, Old Sam. He will tell the stories well.
"Only what the little Lord wants to hear."
I don't believe so, that Sam is narrating. I believe in Sam wise the brave.. Tolkien reference…
I love your theory breakdowns.
Wow! Just like LOTR ended with Sam having the final pages to finish.
I find it hard to think that GRRM would end the series exactly like Tolkien did with Sam Gamgee writing the end of Lord of the Rings. Frodo gives Sam the book to finish when he sails into the west with the Elves. I know that GRRM is a big fan of Tolkien, but to end them the same way doesn't seem like something GRRM would do.
I agree Sam will be and is an important part of the book. He killed a white walker with dragon glass. He found the stash of dragon glass.
He is now head of House Tarley.
One announcer on here said it's rubbish and little Sam hasn't grown. HELLO. He has gone from newly born to sitting up smiling just like a two yr old.
He is a man of great knowledge. He's also very loyal to Jon.
I don't think we're through with him
Interesting theory
Damn! I don't even noticed all of that! Super thanx! SUPER BRILLIANT THEORY!!
The more I read, and think, and reflect on the matter, the more I believe this is Sam telling the story he has written about the history of Westeros and related items. It could be read to any child or adult, but I think it is probably someone to whom Sam is close. Grandchildren of key people in the current stories. (Given the time involved in writing, the soonest coud be a child of baby Sam.)
I would be awesome for JRRM to cameo as an older Sam, reading the book to whomever.
If an older Sam is reading this story to a child it would be great is Martin himself played that part.
That would be a perfect ending. Will it be….
Too similar to LOTR, even the names Samwise Gamgee and Samwell Tarly, although I wont mind this ending, but (lol "everything before but is BS" haha") Sam may not become a Maester as he is now Lord of Horn Hill.
The pronunciation of gyroscope is making my ears bleed
Oh I am SURE Sam is reading to the child(ren) of Jon and Danny! Little Sam is listening in too. Sam loves to read and loves details, so he is the perfect one to pass on the more recent history of Westeros. Good vid Ms Gray! Wish I had a Sigel! It would look like barbed wire. Barbyr I'd call it.
The George RR Martin cameo would be sooo lame. It wouldn't fit with the series or be a proper ending.
It should be called the war of three queens goddamnit
He who writes the page – passes judgement.
Sam will write the history of his times, by talking to people – particularly Bran. In the end he will be writing it – not that the entire story has been Sam's retelling. He will return to The Citidel, home of the gyroscopes, to officially archive his Song of Ice and Fire.
It would be cute to see old Sam telling the story to a group of little kids, and then have their parents walk in at the end.
Mind blown!!! Love this theory
Study, study.share,thx
I don't really care, I just hope it doesn't take up too much of the story. I could go for a 10 minute synopsis in the last episode. Hopefully you can answer me this question? Where is Dawn?
It's jirascope
The only commentator on GOT worth watching
"Guy ro scope". Lulz. I had to turn it off after the 50th mispronunciation of that word…
R.R. Martin coming in as "old Sam" is prob the best theory I've ever heard! How could you not like this idea??? =O
What is a Guyroscope
For free grammatical tutelage and intense studies on Astronomical instruments, save your college tuition and visit GrayArea's comment section. Galileo, Newton, Hubble and Sagan would all humble themselves had they dare tread these minefields of brilliance…
"Tumbling Gilly…"

I personally believe that Sam is reading it to Jon and Daenarys's child and to baby Sam
San also loves Songs
Don't forget that the Arch Maester said he was gonna write everything leading up to Roberts Death and same said he should name it something Poetic of course A Song of Ice and Fire
Don't like it but i have thought of it before. I'd love the ending to be mind blowing or something new not something we have seen before
Thank you for this !! Awesome !
I like to think sams reading to little sam but i could be that little sam is reading to his children
I kind of thought the show might end with Sam reading the story out loud to a child (possibly Jon's) & Tyrion or Jon if he survives, teasing him about how it didn't really happen like that Sam, you embellished it. It could account for some of the time jumps since we aren't getting the story in real time chronological order.
I think that would be a perfect ending for the story! I hope we see it.
I think you are right about Sam. I think he goes on to tell the stories of what happened, and there could be more to it than that.
I also think there's something to there being volcanic activity under Winterfell, because of the story that there are dragons in the crypts, and the steam from below Winterfell. I think Melisandre, possibly more red priestesses and priests, and I'm not sure who else, will do something to lure the Night King, White Walkers, and Wights there to then set off volcanic activity that will cause anyone there to die. Sam could be one of the only people to survive any of it and share the story of what occurred.
I love your title "War of the Two Queens", very fitting and, I think, poetic enough for Sam.
Hi GrayArea. The spherical chandeliers hanging from the Citadel library ceiling in GOT are ASTROLABES not gyroscopes. They are most likely used to track the seasons. Gyroscopes are kept spinning at high speed about an axis and create a considerable force in a particular direction. They are used to measure movement and help counter other forces acting upon an object. That way you can control and stabilize an objects orientation. Like in a spaceship or a satellite.
Also, the "g" in gyroscope is pronounced like the "g" in George. Trying to be helpful. I just thought you should know.
I love you gray!!!!
I've thought for a long time that Sam is narrating.
samwell tarly is reading the poem
to a little fella and you all know him
for killing a spider in a cave
mr. Frodo called him samwise the brave.
Sam being George RR makes sense. It explains why Sam has continued to be rotund even though his journeys should have caused him to rapidly shed weight.

I think Sam will be reading it to his grandson…Wee Sam!!lol Great vid!! Thx
Grammar Police is here! Gyroscrope is pronounced with a soft G. Phonetically, it's pronounced Ji-ro-scope. I couldn't watch the video because I'm such a grammar nerd…..but I still LOVE LOVE LOVE GrayArea.