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Season 8 Finale Plot Outline Prediction (Jon Will Die) | Game of Thrones:

Jaime, Bronn, Gendry, Tyrion and ser Davos touch base back in Dragonstone. Edmure apparently has backpedaled to Riverrun. Jon gets them and illuminates them about Daenerys’ passing. Tyrion is exceptionally disheartened when he hears that Daenerys has kicked the bucket and sits down to talk with Jon Snow on the bluffs of Dragonstone.

Daenerys’ body swinging from the dividers in King’s Landing. The general population of King’s Landing are tossing poop at her body and ridicule her cadaver. Close-by is an alehouse where Arya and the Hound at present are.

Arya needs to help Jon and battle with him however the Hound believes he’s finished with that poo until further notice. We at that point see Euron Greyjoy talking with the Commanders of the Golden Company in the Throne Room.

At dragonstone Jon, Jaime, Bronn, Tyrion, Jorah, Sansa, Gendry, Davos, Missandei, Samwell and Yara are available at the War Council talking about the message of Euron Greyjoy. Euron Greyjoy has announced himself King of the Seven Kingdoms after Queen Cersei’s appalling passing. It’s Samwell who later tends to Jon’s parentage again however Jon doesn’t need Samwell to educate the rest regarding this.

After the War Council Jon chats with his sister Sansa. She is mistaken for Jon’s parentage and thinks that its hard to trust that father dependably misled his family.

Missandei illuminates Jon that the old lady came to visit him in Dragonstone once more. Old Melisandre comes to disclose to Jon she is prepared to pay for her transgressions and uncovers her personality.

Euron is seen on the Walls of King’s Landing and perceives how Targaryen ships are drawing closer. Daenerys decaying body can be viewed also. We see Jon Snow wearing protective layer and mounting Drogon over the boats.

On the off chance that Drogon begin to inhale fire in that spot, the out of control fire could demolish the entire Dragonpit and bringing everybody and everything with it.

Arya and Nymeria now enter the Dragonpit to see Jon administering to Drogon’s wounds. Jon tries to expel the lances out of Drogon’s Wings. Jon is extremely amazed to see Arya there and Wants her to leave King’s Landing quickly. Arya wouldn’t like to leave Jon at first demonstrating that she needs to battle with them.

Yara and Gendry are inside the Red Keep however reach the conclusion that Euron has gotten away to the Dragonpit much to Yara’s annoyment since she needed to complete her uncle.

Before Jon, The Hound, Jaime and Jorah can escape it is past the point of no return and the out of control fire devours the entire Dragonpit. No one makes it out alive.

Tyrion sees a couple of Targaryen ships coming back to Dragonstone. Yara and Theon illuminate Tyrion, Davos Samwell and Missandei about the out of control fire blast and that Jon, his sibling and Jorah most likely didn’t make it out alive.

We at that point see Arya and Nymeria prepared to board on a ship, Arya tells the commander that she’s finished with Westeros. The commander asks what a little young lady and a wolf will do in Essos now that there is peace in Westeros. Arya reacts with ‘Valar Morghul



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