In “Stormborn,” Qyburn took Cersei Lannister to the catacombs beneath the Red Keep and showed her where Robert Baratheon stored all the Targaryen dragon skulls after he took the Iron Throne. The skulls were magnificent, so naturally Cersei shot the biggest one through the eye with a huge crossbow. Way to preserve Westerosi history, your Grace.


Of course, these days, Cersei is mostly thinking about ways to fell Daenerys’ dragons, but that’s another scene. For now, HBO released the storyboards behind the scene in the catacombs on its Making Game of Thrones blog. Take a look.

Onscreen, there’s quite a bit of dialogue between those two lines, but the storyboards exist to give an idea of how the scene will work visually — the dialogue will take care of itself.



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Comparing the storyboard to the actual scene below, everything was adapted pretty much as imagined.

I mean, sure, Cersei didn’t take aim like a marksman as in the storyboard, and the arrow didn’t fly directly at the camera, but we can’t everything just so. Be realistic, people!

To learn more about how the skull was constructed (it wasn’t CGI, if you were wondering), check out this interview with Darren FitzsimonsGame of Thrones’ top sculptor.

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