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As Shameless Season 8 begins, we discuss what we’ve learned from William H. Macy’s Frank Gallagher, Emmy Rossum’s Fiona, Lip, Ian and the rest of the Gallagher clan over the seasons. Shameless is a show about addiction, about poverty, about family. It’s a show about whether change is possible. Every character wrestles with bad habits and self-destructive habits as they cope with their environment. Shameless show how difficult and rare it is for people to truly change.
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  1. I've met many people like Frank in my life, and the majority of them seem to be really smart people. But the thing about smart people is how they can easily fall into a state of nihilism, when they are too aware of how meaningless our struggles are when the end result never changes, so they just say "fuck it" and just enjoys life however they want and can.

  2. I broke this addiction. I want to watch fiction, not a refection of real life. If the characters don't progress, then what's the point in continuing to watch? I pulled out after Season 4. Nothing new to see here. Moving on.

  3. This show is truly underrated. You feel and understand what this show is about, the frustration of how each and every character in this show tries to pull themselves up from their own lives.

  4. Do they analyze characters in video games like Batman in Telltale and Enemy Within? It's a game changer. The characters of Bruce Wayne, Joker, Penguin are amazingly realized… why am I picking up this game now?
    (video game movies are so much better at telling stories AND developing character than movies these days wth)

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