Game of Thrones is rife with theories and speculation, so lets touch of a few. Spoilers for all current episodes but nothing beyond season seven episode five. Thanks for watching.

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  1. SPOILER ALERT: The theory that I back the most is that Brandon Stark is the Night King. Here is some evidence that I have found that support the theory.

    In season 7 when the walkers are about to cross the wall, Bran goes back in time and whispers to the Mad King, he tells the Mad King how to correctly defeat the White Walkers an triumph. This explains why the Mad Kings said that he heard "voices in his head." It also explains why he stocked up on wildfire, which has been known to kill the white walkers. It has even shown Bran going back in time to before Ned Stark claimed Jon Snow as his own. It was the scene where Ned was about to go into the tower, where Jon was being born. Bran then whispers "Father" and the young Ned turns around and looks very confused as if he had heard Bran whisper. This has be thought to be the reason Ned claimed Jon as his own child because he believe the voice saying "father" was a sign.

    Brandon Stark, aka Bran the builder, was a legendary member of the First Men, he was also the first ever King in the North, he founded House Stark, and build many great structures such as Winterfell and The Wall. Bran Stark was named after Brandon the Builder, as said in many episodes of the show. After failing to help the Mad King, Bran goes back even further back in time to when the First Men were alive. It is thought that Bran Stark is actually Brandon the Builder who built the wall so that when the Night King and his army attack in the future, they won't be able to pass the enchanted wall. In the video about the history of Westeros in the Game of Thrones DVDs, there were drawings of Brandon the Builder and it is shown that he is being carried on a platform, which makes us assume that he was crippled, much like Bran Stark.

    After seeing the wall fail and the walkers get through, Bran wargs into the Night King when he was still a human in an attempt to convince the Children of the Forest to not create the Night King. Bran has been warned many times by the previous Three Eyed Raven that if you stay in the past to long, you will get stuck. Bran then continues to try to convince the Children to stop what they are doing, but they proceed anyway causing Bran to be stuck in the Night King body.

    There are a few scenes in the show that would back this.
    It would explain why the Night King is marching towards King's Landing to kill Cersei.
    Also, when Jon Snow and his people are surrounded by the white walker army, the army just stood there watching them, they could've easily killed Jon and the people with him but they didn't.
    Another scene is when Samwell Tartly is surrounded the army of the dead and the Night King looks him dead in the eyes and doesn't harm him.
    The Night King and his army have been known to kill pretty much anything, but why wouldn't they kill Sam or Jon?

    If you have any evidence that contradicts this theory please comment it below, I would love to hear it. 🙂

  2. How it will end… so considering that Cersei is not joining the fight, I reckon that the Targeryen's (Jon and Dani) will fight the Nightking – and just as all hope is lost and they are about to lose Bran jumps into the Nightking controlling him. So now, with their army destroyed, they march the dead to Cersei, kick the Golden Army back to the Iron Bank all is well bla bla bla… enter the Post Credits scene where Bran is sitting in a tree like the 3-eyed-raven should, and as it pans in to him he opens his eyes to be blue and he is the new nightking.

    This way HBO can try and squeeze another season out of it – which can take place WAAAAYYYY in the future where Bran has a new army and they don't have to worry about aging actors.

  3. Arya is a secret greyjoy, her name is an anagram for yara (greyjoy) her sister…. the rightful queen of the iron islands, this also explains why she never wanted to be someone's princess and wanted to be a knight as Yara is a fierce warrior much alike Arya

  4. Because of the inbreeding in their family Jon and Dany have 50% of the same DNA. That means they share the same amount of DNA as siblings not just aunt and nephew. Dany and her brother Viserys have 80% the same DNA, thats as if they where identical twins not just brother and sister with 7 years between them

  5. i'm sure GoT's universe is not like our's since cersei's children were not disabled. so even tho think that aunt and nephew shit is weird i still ship it. jon snow has the blood of fire and ice but he is mentally more of ice so him and Daenerys is completes ice and fire shit.

  6. The world is inside a Dyson sphere in the far future. There is a nuclear energy source in the sky in the middle surrounded by spinning bands which create night and day and seasons. Long ago, the system went off center and the climate problems made the descendants of the first settlers forget their origins

  7. Bran is actually the night king. Timejumped too much and something went wrong – that's why the night king is the only one who can see him when he jumps around in time. Also the


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