An in depth analysis of Fort Dawnguard from Skyrim to see if it’s castle defenses are realistic.
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An in depth analysis of Fort Dawnguard from Skyrim to see if it’s castle defenses are realistic.
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You’re the castle god, now you must cast your Devine gaze upon Volkihar castle. Do the vampires have the superior fortifications. ALL HAIL THE MACHICOLATIOOOONS!!!!!!!
Sup Shad, can you do Lavalette castle from Witcher 2?
Oh my gods the intros just get better and better
I'm just going to say that the original intention of the fort was that of a prison, and not a defensive structure for war. Thus, it makes a bit more sense for the innermost parts of the castle to be much more fortified than the outer.
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Your T-shirt Ads are always very well done and creative, good job. Also finally Dawnguard! Love Dawnguard it's one of my favorite video game castles, love entering the always sunny valley and walking the path, glad to see you review it.
the castle was built by vampire magic, and the humans stole it from them, and now there pissed and want it back.
"If only there was a defensive feature to allow the archers to fire down at people close to the gate"
immediately lowers volume I know what's coming
Great Video! Could you do Kaer Trolde from the witcher?
if this was Mount&Blade your engineering skill would be better than Artimanner
where does magic come from? im thinking of writing a book or making a comic, and i want magic but i also want it to be realistic and logical, so if a person were to cast a spell where would the fire in his hand come from? just appear out of no where?
Great vid
The machiculations build up was just great. Sad that another castle doesn't come up to scratch. I do really like the design of fort Dawnguard, the outer towers and the battlements are really good, sadly those battlements lack Machiculations! Also sure they could've fortified the cave but who knows if that cave was always there (hehe it wasn't, but that's cause it was added with the dlc, wonder if anyone in Riften noticed that earthquake), however the most important thing to consider when building a castle in a extremely defensible location, what about the dragons?
Shad, look to the Castle Volkihar, also from Skyrim: Dawnguard.
can you do castle Volkihar the vampires main sorta hideout
Someone should propably make a mod that fix the castles of skyrim at some point
To be fair, this fort was renovated by Isran alone. Maybe he lacked the knowledge and time to build a proper fort. Anyways nice vid Shad! love these Skyrim city reviews!
Well aren't those structures meant to hold up the battlements above it?
How about tackling the Disney castle?
i still want to know what gunpowder truly did to castles and its designs
This is really good! Keep up the good work, you are my favorite youtuber and I watch your videos all of the time! Never stop making videos
If only someone of the modding community could enhance fort Downguard and make it Shad-worthy.
So who's working on modding Shad's corrections into the game?
Bethesda should hire historians to help them make TES VI
But dont some Vampires in Elder Scroll fly? So how does it stand up against a force of Vampires?
well, you can't really know if the palisades "should have been there" since wood rots and fort dawnguard is very old.
I hope Bethesda contacts you for the ES6 design!
Now you should do the vampire castle I can't remember the name of