This article contains spoilers from the latest Marvel TV series, Loki.

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Marvel’s latest television venture ‘Loki‘ has been under the watchful eyes of the audience for quite some time now. The new series got the viewers to the edge of their seats, when the mid-season credits rolled, and it was revealed the God of mischief is still alive. And it didn’t end there, the TV show introduced various versions of Loki, that were never-before-seen in live-action. One of the most mysterious characters of them, the Boastful Loki, is played by Game of Thrones alum DeObia Oparei (Areo Hotah, captain of Prince Doran Martell’s guards). What’s even more surprising is the fact, unlike all the versions of Loki we have seen so far, this one looks the strongest and possesses his own Mjolnir. Yes, you heard it right! Thor’s fabled enchanted hammer Mjolnir!

Game of Thrones’ DeObia Oparei cameoed in Loki as the only Loki Variant Worthy of Lifting Thor’s Hammer Mjolnir

After recovering from his latest death fake-out at the end of Loki episode 4, “The Nexus Event,” Loki Variant L1130 finds himself face-to-face with four new Loki variants. They include Old Loki (far right), in the middle is Kid Loki, on the left is Boastful Loki played by Oparei, and finally there’s little Crocodile Loki held by Kid Loki in the centre.

There’s not much known about Boastful Loki as of yet, except that he wields his own version of Mjolnir. Oparei is really excited to be a part of the show, as evident from his recent post on Twitter.

There are many theories as to who boastful Loki is. Some say he’s from a timeline where Thor died and he stood up to take his mantle. Other’s say he’s from a time branch where he’s born as an Asgardian. We don’t know yet. All we can do is wait for Loki episode 5 that is scheduled to stream on Disney+ on Wednesday, July 7, 2021.

Are you excited about the upcoming episode of Loki? Tell us in the comments below!



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