Not my Favorite part of the story frankly, but I felt that way about the Meereen story in the book as well. Daenerys Stormborn is played by the beautiful and expressive Emilia Clark.
Not my Favorite part of the story frankly, but I felt that way about the Meereen story in the book as well. Daenerys Stormborn is played by the beautiful and expressive Emilia Clark.
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Thank you Lord Blackfyre. Come the Sixth Rebellion, I will raise my banners for you.
Muchos gracias Daemon. Salamat!
So I guess Daenerys is a believer of "dura lex, sed lex".
Uhhhg!! That last bit with her other two dragons, made me want to cry!!! :'(
When the dragons are screaming for her and she's locking them away it breaks my heart
Wow when she was banishing ser Jorah!! Phew that was hard to watch
When the masters of meereen sent out a champion Daenerys should have picked drogon as her champion
When's the next part coming?
keep em coming Daemon!!!!!
Cant wait for the part 6
thanks Daemon 
i cant wait for part 6…Thank you Daemon
Thanks Friend
Thanks another GOT fix for me. Great video & I will wait for the next part
Thanks Daemon! These make the wait more bearable! Peace!
Please upload adventures of Arya Stark, Jon snow, Sansa , Tyrion and others of season 7. Great videos u are uploaded till now.
I'm so very thankful that you've created these; they are wonderfully done. I eagerly await Part 6 and beyond…up to Season 7. Emilia is fantastic. I hope that (I beg) you to create similar to honour Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen. It will ease the long weeks and months of Winter Sundays ahead until Season 8 airs. Blessings.
churr bro xo
Best man ever
Nice! U r the man
Thank you as always
Anyone lose noticed this video has been placed 'in limited state'?
I know YT experts like to make fun of Dany's acting, but it's not true. The scene where she exiles Jorah from Meereen, she was looking over his head… the whole time… she didn't make eye contact until the very end. People don't seem to understand the amazing eye-acting of this series.
That like from Blood Raven
Dario is my bae
i dont care what anybody says daenerys is an amazing character and emila is a great actress
Just watched all the Stormborn videos, thanks!!!! You make the best series on YouTube!
Part 6 asap.. thanks
I swear every video with Daenerys is age restricted. She must be the biggest whore to ever grace game of thrones.
You're my GOT fix in these 45-week off-seasons. Bless you. You're doing Rhollor's work.
Gracias wey, eres bien cabron alvrg
Thank you so much for the video I love the videos every time
Thanks so much for your videos, love them.
Epic, thank you so much
gracias puto xD
Thanks Damon first