In this new segment from our 24 hour Facebook Live, Impactathon. Tom and Impact Theory’s Associate Producer, Casey (IG: @caseyjeanell) dive deep into the allegories behind all of your favorite superheroes. From Superman to Wonder Woman, watch how Tom and Casey break down all your childhood heroes!

Topics in this episode include:
* Superman’s relationship to finding your passion
* Why character fandom creates community
* How to leverage the ideology of Batman’s darkness to do good in your own life
* How to develop your own superpowers to use in everyday life
* Wonder Woman’s uniqueness as a superhero
* Leadership in Game of Thrones universe
* and more


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Please watch: “How to Make Yourself Immune to Pain | David Goggins on Impact Theory”




  1. As always, thank you for your amazing content Tom. I do have an idea for a pitch for a comic series, although I can't draw for nuts. If you'd be interested in hearing me out, how can I reach you?

  2. This is really interesting and worth expanding on. I doesn't matter that these characters might be created without the intent to inspire or give growth lessons. Or it might look like from outside. It's what culture makes them (super heroes) to stand for in real life that matters.

    Thumbs up. Looking forward for more content.

  3. Omg, this show was awesome, I believe there is something special about dissecting archetypes such as super heros, series characters and so on.

    I believe this is so awesome because we already love and get inspired by those characters and analysing their corse of action and what makes them awesome or what makes them good leaders, good speakers, charismatic, etc… is something that captivates people's attention. It teaches people how to be "that type of person", whatever the character is portraying. Archetypes are insanely powerful and I think those dissections of the archetypes make implementation much more easy just because we have an example on how to do it and a rough ideia of how we are going to turn out if we follow their examples.

    I would love to see you guys investing more in this format, I think it'd be godlike.

  4. I can not do magic here.. because I have no magic or power or money or job … imagine … if there is magic .. and turn the people like me have the powerful magic to do the huge and good to human that would be the best gift ever.

  5. U know this community….for example ., but u look at urself u re in this community long time but why ….why … they kick u out … they re not accept from who u re , because u re or u can not make good thing for the group or u can useless?

  6. Oh Man, this was so awesome! And exactly the type of stuff I've been eager to hear you talk about ever since I found out you were into comics. Cannot wait for the next episode of Super Hero Theory, and would love to hear your take on The Flash!! I would recommend watching the animated Justice League: Flashpoint movie if you haven't checked it out yet!

  7. I need to find why cant I find love …I have depression I had a depression attack this month so my parent drill me to become more…all I was left was three 3 hour to work out if I didn't work out for three hour I'm not living…my weakness is losing connection with ppl …more how to let go toxic desire as letting go the thing that does not serve me…my evil villain is my self destructive thought how can not feel lonely

  8. They told that story about superman learning about his conflict, going through the emotions of life with discovering his powers at the same time the conflict between the both. It was done in the series smallville, I wish they would reboot it.

  9. Thank you Tom and Team , this super hero Theory show is fun the second time . Its great to have the Impact Theory coming from different angles , I loved Galen from the planet of the apes , from the films and tv show with Roddey McDowall as the actor in the 1970s . As and adult I can see he is looking for a peaceful coexistence between differences races / cultures/ Religions /sexes/ etc Great show it gets me thinking , I hope you get enough positive feed back so you can get to dive deep into the Matrix story 🤞😉

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