Supernatural Comic Con Season 13 panel news & highlights with Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki & Misha Collins.
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Thanks to Comic Con International
Series stars and executive producers answer questions about the shocking events in last season’s intense two-part finale and preview what’s in store for lucky season 13. Fans will also be treated to an exclusive video presentation featuring series highlights of your favorite guys from Kansas and maybe a surprise or two! The 13th season of Supernatural will return to Thursdays this fall in its new 8/7c time slot on The CW. The series is produced by Kripke Enterprises Inc. in association with Warner Bros. Television.
Main Cast
Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester
Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester
Mark Pellegrino as Lucifer
Misha Collins as Castiel
Recurring Cast
Alexander Calvert as Jack
Samantha Smith as Mary Winchester
Briana Buckmaster as Donna Hanscum
Kim Rhodes as Jody Mills
Katherine Ramdeen as Alex Jones
Kathryn Love Newton as Claire Novak
I can't believe how good the caption is in Portuguese * – *
I️ didn’t realize that he’s fluent in Ackles

16:42 .. Does Jensen have to look so cute?

I want Jo to come back – I think Dean needs her, also Chalie…I think he needs her too
Supernatural 13×6 (Full), just click our official website link here ►
I wish I could stop watching these panels..I keep watching them and the more I watch, the more I want to attend…Which is never going to happen bcoz I am from India.. sigh! I wish they would do a panel here… There's a significant fanbase in India
Okay, so I once saw an Instagram post about how Cas might outlive Sam and Dean. I told my friend, a non-fan, about it and she came up with an entire story about Sam and Dean's funeral. One description she gave was that Cas would just fall to his knees for a moment, then grit his teeth, wipe off his clothes and stand up. Now, she only knows what I tell her, and I asked her what Jack would do, and she said he would probably kick the ground or something because he couldn't do anything. Then it occurred to me- what if Jack couldn't bring them back because it was their time? And, ladies and germs, is how I came to be crying in the arms of my best friend on a school bus at 7 in the morning.
take a shot overtime jared says "y'all"
27:09 misha's face LOL
Jensen: I don’t have fears- Jared: BEARS
“Missouri Moseley is coming back-“
Yeah so shE CAN DIE
I cant wait for cas to be back with the boys
Yet another Supernatural related page fucking ruins by destihellers who, either make everything about Misha Collins or Destiel. Thanks for wrecking the show, wrecking J2 panels with shipping questions and managing to make a segment of the fandom grow to hate Misha because you cant tell the difference between reality and fantasy. Fact: Destiel is not canon. Fact: Misha is not being abused, because if he feels that way, he can always go look for work elsewhere. Fact: Jared doesn't ship your shitty ship. Fact: Misha is not a lead, so stop saying that. Fact: The show is about Sam and Dean, not Dean and Cas. There are only two or so years left. Stop bitching about everything and just enjoy the show.
Did anyone else hear someone shouting Misha's name in the beginning
I just fucking love them <3
On show for over 8 years "I know I'm new…" XD
cada vez melhor adoooro vcs
"My favorite prop is Dean." lol Misha.
3:02 I’m dead
i like Dean Wichester and Sam Winchester more
I am so glad to not sit among all of these screaming fangirls. Seriously this screaming is just awful…
Daddy Winchester comes back as Negan from hell????
I love Dean, Sam, and Cast. They are my favorite characters.

The show is like no other.
I would just die if they ever stop supernatural or change them for a new person! 

Keep it going guys cause I love this show!

Jensen is a horrible name for a little boy.
What if Misha and meg got together in the rift and where the king and queen of hell when Lucifer died. Now and angel and demon baby vs a human arch angel baby from 2 different universes. Or a certain arch angel in the other universe was hiding making soda commercials and never fought Lucifer (since he was dead there) escaped and went back to the supernatural universe. So many possibilities.
Oh my Chuck the girl screaming MISHAAA like where the fuck is he
Wow, who'd have thought a show that nobody showed up for audition, literally set up for a disaster, could become successful??
Дженсен как всегда потрясающий!))))
So is there a season 13 so MANY
I love how whenever Bobby or Andrew speak about the ideologies and personal journey Dean and Sam will go through on the next season you can see Jensen and Jared really paying attention and absorbing everything for later
is kinda sweet <3
To everyone complaining about misha its obviously an arranged joke if they did that without telling misha it would be a breach of contract a.k.a illegal like come on guys
Misha was so proud when they asked what their favorite prop was and he answered Dean