Don’t call me crazy until you sit down and watch this entire video! I swear that enough holes exist to conclude that Tadashi is still alive!

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  1. The thing that bothered me the most about big hero 6 is how tadashi died. It was stupid, like make him a volunteer firefighter or something if he's gonna run into a burning building full of potentially volatile chemicals. If he were to fake his own death for whatever reason and return as a villain that would be waaay cooler then him being an idiot. It would have been more tragic and realistic if he were to die in a car accident, you know, the thing that causes the most accidental death of all. It's just as sad, if not more because it would be so senseless.

  2. I believe that the new series also gives hints to Tadashi living, such as in the beginning scene, *spoiler alert if you haven't watched the first episode/pilot of BH6 Baymax Returns*, where fire engulfs Tadashi. He leaves the frame as fire builds up, but if you pause at the right time, you can see Tadashi RETURNING to the frame. Why would animators do this? It takes more time so just add this insignificant detail to a short 1 second scene so it just has to have some sort of meaning??? Foreshadowing future events?

    It sounds a little far fetched, but considering the amount of times Tadashi is mentioned in the very first episode itself, as well as the new main antagonist whose silhouette is revealed at the end of the episode, perhaps after Callaghan ditched his plans, Tadashi went to work with this antagonist of the series? Tell me what you think lolol..! You brought up a lot of points in this video which got me thinking again.

  3. I feel like tadashi should be a cyborg cause there is no way the micro bots would have saved him from the fire explosion cause he hesitated and wasted time so he should have like a metal arm or something just to show how much he changed and isn't the brother hiro knows

  4. Don't get me wrong, your entire theory seams to make sense (except for the Tadashi-working-with-the-bad-guy-for-no-apparent-reason thing) but I honestly don't think this was what was going on in the movie. Still,a good idea for a fanfiction and good work figuring all of this out!👍

  5. This is a really cool theory. Supercarlinbrothers have a theory that is Tadashi is alive and it's a different reason from your and both are really cool. You should do one of those theory diccusion with them and see if there can be anything that connects or something

  6. Thanks for doing a theory like this Megan, I really liked it 😀 (i'm xdarkxenergy, I was on one of your streams a while back). I really like the idea of Tadashi becoming Sunfire or Silver Samurai (even though I do lean more towards Sunfire, because he's the only superhero from the comics I really know about). To add onto your theory about one of the inventions saving Tadashi's life and possibly giving him mutant/supernatural abilities, what if it was the water we see that guy in that potentially mutated him? Since the guy was wearing protective clothing it worked just fine on him, so didn't affect him in anyway, but since Tadashi wasn't wearing said clothing it could have mutated him and it could potentially turn him into the Sunfire we knew from the comics or he could be a completely different guy. This is just something quick I put together, I hope you read it! 🙂

  7. Interesting I Haven't thought of it in that sense. Supercarlin Bros. Said Tadashi was Hiro in the future , so technically Hiro was was looking at himself in the mirror in the future of he what he will look like grown up in the future. I never really bought that Idea referring back at the beginning of the movie where he said "Those are my Brother's". I was like what about that line in the movie?

  8. Nah
    Sorry but I highly doubt it.
    I've watched this movie so many times. Def not
    Tadashi is a straight forward character. The "plan" included putting lives at risk. Tadashi would've never gone for this plan
    Tadashi is too caring for human lives to even bee a small part of it…let alone part of the main plan

  9. I would be so happy if Tadashi lived. Tadashi and Hiro are two of my favourite Disney characters because they’re most likely wasian like I am. To quickly explain, Aunt Cassy seems to look completely white, but her nephews Asian. I have a similar issue in my family where my mom looks completely white (even though she’s half Asian) but all her relatives are either full Asian or white, so people often assume I’m adopted until they see both my parents with me. You could argue that Aunt Cassy adopted the two but I find that unlikely so either Aunt Cassy’s sibling (Tadashi and Hiro’s parent) was adopted or the other parent is Asian. There’s also the possibility that Aunt Cassy is half and half as well since genetics have a way of hiding things (like with my mom). This is getting off topic but it’s why I love the two.

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