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  1. Well, him being stabbed by Howland Reed by surprise debunks this whole theory. He didn't know Howland Reed was alive, so once he killed(or thought he killed) all the men he could have stepped back and explained everything to Ned. But he didn't.

  2. I just realized something, maybe many people already did. Lyanna Stark died while giving birth to Jon/Aegon. Targaryen only have kids with Targaryen, maybe because their bodies are the only ones to endure a Targaryen child birth.
    Now… Joanna died while giving birth to Tyrion, so maybe that's another reason to believe Tyrion is also a Targaryen.

  3. A well thought through theory, it makes complete best sense to me. I always found Sir Arthur's manner unusually serene when he first greets Ned. He has a glint in his eye from the start. I believe he needed Ned to be left standing as he really was the only one who could protect the little heir to the throne. I like it!

  4. It wasn't pride that kept him fighting, it was love for his sister. If someone kidnapped my sister and there was just one guy between her and I, it wouldn't matter if he was the Michael Jordan of combat; I would never stop fighting.

  5. I think this theory is half right. Dayne was Rhaegars most trusted knight, and I imagine that when he told Dayne to guard his love, Ned's sister, it came with the instruction to save her brother Ned if at all possible.

  6. Idk, disarming him would have gave him a moment to tell him. If Sir Arthur Dayne wanted to tell Ned he wouldn't have reared his sword at him. For me it is impossible to like Sir Arthur Dayne more than I already do, he brought more to a character in 5 minutes than most could in 7 years. In the end loyalty and honor got both of them killed. I just think they both deserved better deaths.

  7. When Benjen saves Bran he tells him he knows Bran saw how the children of the forest made the white walkers. With that being, the three-eyed-raven most likely told him that or showed it to him somehow. This opens up the possibility of him also having told Benjen about Jon. Even so, i believe Jon will find out the truth from the missing Howland Reed. Even if anyone finds out about Rhaegar anulling his wedding, its a longshot for them to connect it to Jon's birth.

  8. After hearing this theory, all I can think is "so what"?

    I don't see how this is any kind of relevant theory to the story and to that end probably isn't really a theory at all and moreso you guys reading way too into dialogue for the sake of creating some content.

    Let's just say this theory is correct, Arthur Dayne was ordered to bring Ned Stark into the tower to see Lyanna and baby Jon. Ok! But what bearing does that have on the rest of the story? Either way it goes down, Rhaegar still gets killed and Lyanna still dies during childbirth. Ned still takes Jon to raise as his own son. Ned Stark still gets killed by Joffrey 15 years later and the events of the War for the Crown still play out with Jon becoming the King of the North and eventually going on to fight and hopefully end the Wights.

    If the theory is incorrect, the story will still play out the exact same. And to that end, I just can't see this being a theory at all. It's clearly you guys giving their dialogue far more weight than it deserves.

  9. There is a big flaw in this.
    Sir Arthur Dayne was about to kill Ned, no doubt about it. He did not know Howland Reed was still alive, otherwise he would of failed in his task, and the secret would be out (he does not know whether or not Reed would tell the secret, but luckily for Jon he did). If he thought Reed was dead, he could not be expecting him to come up and kill him from behind.

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