Fifty years of armed conflict in Colombia has left the countryside riddled with land mines that maim and kill innocent people who happen across them. To help keep communities safe from harm, TED Resident Carlos Bautista is developing an app to track land mines — and direct travelers away from them. Learn more about how this potentially life-saving tool could promote peace in countries plagued by land mines once conflicts end.

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  1. You can enhance your ability of observation if you step away from your computer, tv etc . if you get more involved in life, such as working on oversight of your government. Go outside and watch whats really going on around you in your communities. Whats how authority interacts with civilians, that's how you enhance your human behavior. You think your smart sitting in front of a pc all day and night, playing games that keep you distracted from reality, Brainwashed by the influence of entertainment. watching CSI , believing that, that's how real authority behaves in our society. You are blinded by electronics and technology and most ignore the unlawful treatment around them. Your a fool if you believe your free. Thomas Jefferson used said 'Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem" Tanslated "I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude". Think about it we are not free

  2. My father was in Korea and Vietnam. I asked him just a few weeks ago how many unexploded shells and or mines were left. He said millions. The look of death in his eyes was so sad.

  3. Just creating path though is for time being solution rather one should know to detect the path. I have just shared with my development team to work on detecting the landmines through smart phone with smallest possible detectors attached to it.

  4. Well, in Germany we find a lot of old Bombs that didn't blow up in WW2, at least once a year parts of our city will be evacuated. Though, this is nothing compared to columbia, I hope this problem will be solved in the future…

  5. 3:09 ahhhh wut?
    But I live in Iraq and I haven't heard anything about landmine for as long as I lived, I mean I was constantly reminded not to pick stuff from the ground because they probably have tiny bombs, but nothing about mines
    My assumption is that this depend on the area of living or something but if anyone has an actual explanation will you please inform me about it because I'm kinda terrified now

  6. Couldn't sleep for hours… stumbled upon this talk. It inspired me to write a little poem. Thak you, Mr. Bautista, for your work and inspiration!

    No Peace

    Soldiers are gone
    Guns silent
    Air still
    No explosions
    Blood soaked up in the soil, dried, digested
    Children play
    People sow, harvest, live

    One mine

    No Peace

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