In this video we take a closer look at one of my personal favorite episodes of HBO’s Game of Thrones (2011). With the help of Will Shoder’s brilliant video on The Repercussions to Mortality I explain why Blackwater is Game of Thrones at its best, how Battle of the Bastards shook things up and where the show will go from here…



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  1. This is why they should have kept Greatjon Umber as a good guy (like in the books) and not made him a traitor. Even if Jon had to execute him later for fighting with Ramsey, at least the audience would have been conflicted about #TeamJon's army having to fight and kill Northerners who have no choice but to fight for Ramsey.

  2. Anti-Tolkien, ha! George RR Martin's characters are far more cartoonishly evil than any of the characters of Tolkien's creations. It's hilarious that Martin believes his characters fall into a more moral grey area than Tolkien when they're ridiculously over the top.

  3. If you think about it, if Stannis hadn't killed Renly, he would have marched on King's Landing with the entire Tyrell and Baratheon army. Stannis could've helped too, maybe he would've just been Warden of the East, possibly Protector of the Realm. He showed his true colors as a killer the second he killed Renly.
    He may have been a fag and a pretender, but hey, would be much better right?

  4. I like how the early season are all about red and blue political battles and now the newer seasons show how pointless every last one of those battles were and how there's only one real threat.
    I really dig that message.
    We all walk around with our different mind control and dogmas but in the end there's only one thing that matter, are you alive or are you a dumb fuck dead dude who can't think a single thought for yourself.
    (a lot of people tend to fall in to the latter, only difference is in real life you have at least a small chance to be reborn if you can only look at yourself)

  5. So Season 7 has ended and I felt the need to update the title… I have to say that the Loot Train Attack (or whatever it's called now) was probably our last real nuanced battle, and boy did they deliver, sad about the deus ex machina ending though… Perhaps this is unavoidable with the endgame coming up, but I feel like the show we're watching now, although entertaining, is not the same as the show we watched in Season 2 for instance. It lacks nuance, logical storytelling and most of all George in favor of more predictable Hollywood blockbuster storytelling.

    Also, sorry if I sound a little under the weather in this vid, it's because I'm literally under a blanket which in hindsight was too uncomfortable to do a proper voice recording with. Was trying out something for my voice-over but it sort of backfired on me lol.

    – Thomas

  6. The Battle of the Blackwater had complexity. You want Stannis to win so the Lannisters like Joffrey and Cersei can die. So they can get what's coming to them. But that'd mean that Tyrion would die, and Sansa. And a lot of innocents like Tommen would die too. It makes the audience torn on what they want as they want for the outcome of the Battle. The same goes for the whole War of the Five Kings, which seasons 2-4 covered. Did you want the Starks, Baratheons, or Lannisters to win?

    Now it's just the "good guys" and the "bad guys." It's so dumbed down, there's no moral complexity. Want an example? Battle of the Bastards in season 6. It was just more of the same Hollywood bullshit. And it's disappointing, knowing that the show was doing well for a long time then just shit on itself.

  7. The only thing that really bothered me in the seventh season it's the Daenerys/Jon thing. It looks like fan fiction. And the fact that he kneeled. I loved the fact that there was 2 different rulers, that made things exciting. Now you can already picture the end.

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