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Music: Song: Game of Thrones
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  1. i think we might see john snow ride home on the back of rhaeghal?? cause it might have built an affinity towards john snow between the time john and rhaeghal meet to this particular time? and i also think benjin stark will be more involved with bran rather than john snow! wouldnt wanna see see john half dead!


    You need to focus on what the TV show has revealed AND production information.

    You need to rewatch Season 6 and see and accept what we are being told and what is going to happen.

    You also need to finally accept what the two visions Daeny had at the House of Undying on the TV Show:
    1) Daeny will take the Throne in Winter
    2) Daeny DIES north of the Wall

    These PROPHESIES are very very important for Season 7 if the Wall falls by the finale.

    STOP bringing up the stupid plot leak and simply FOCUS on the two prophesies … and …these are important FACTS from Season 6:

    * Tyrion is Daeny's brother
    * Tyrion is the Queens hand and has no interest in the Throne
    * Jon is a Targaryen
    * The Three Heads of the the Dragons is CONFIRMED
    * The riders of Drogon, Rhaegal & Viserion have been identified
    * Jon & Sansa are cousins
    * Jon was made King because he's Ned's son
    * Jon's heart is for the North and the Starks
    * Jon has no interest in the Throne
    * Bran is heading home and was at the Wall before Daeny sailed to Westeros
    * BWB with the Hound were heading North to fight the WW
    * Arya was heading home
    * Mel was haading South

    Once more. DAENY DIES NORTH OF THE WALL. We know this MUST happen if the Wall falls in Season 7.

    If Daeny dies North of the Wall, so too will Drogon. Drogon is the Dragon that dies in Season 7 not Viserion. Viserion is the smallest dragon and GOLD colored. His rider will be Tyrion … who is small and from the Lannisters with all their GOLD.

    Season 7 is going to be the biggest of all WTF moments with the Death of Daeny & Drogon. Try to disprove this SPOILER with FACTS. C'mon. Try to disprove it.

    Most fanboys don't want Daeny dying before the end, and want her to hook up with Jon. Most fanboys don't want Tyrion to be a Targaryen. But the FACTS are clear.

  3. i not sure if it is too expensive in its self but with all this obsession about got its not too absurd if they leak false plotlines and pictures of them wjile shooting the real ones to confuse the eager audiance

  4. Since the Night King started as a man, what if he is turned back into a man in the same way? Is that completely ridiculous? Just a thought. Maybe someone will plunge dragon glass into his heart and turn him back into a man.

  5. I can believe everything from that scene. Except for the NK riding off on the Dragon can't see that happening seems to cliche and I think it gives someone with already a lot of power too much power to realistically say "how can he lose now"…

  6. I believe that someone found a accurate outside filming synopsis and filled plot in. The photos really don't show any real plot for example the men pushing the boat are probably going north because of the ice land photos but it doesn't mean a thoros will die maybe it will be jorah or gendry. HBO might have let it initially spill just to get people talking and when they see the episode it will be a oh that's what happened moment. I hope because if it is 100% true season 7 is going to suck. Well I still have the walking dead!

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