The Costumes of Petyr Baelish “Littlefinger” for all 6+ seasons of the HBO series Game of Thrones. *SPOILER* warning! Now with Closed Captioning.

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  1. I would love if you did a costume video on Littlefinger's rival, Varys! His costumes always intrigued me.. they are very Asian/Indian inspired. I know he is from essos (lys) to be exact, so his costumes are meant to look more foreign than those of people in westeros

  2. Littlefinger's cloths really remind me of Polish/Turkish robes worn by noblemen, but without huge sashes and fancy sleeves. I wonder why they decided to dress him that way, he looks so foreign among Westerosi nobles…

    Turkish nobility:

    Polish noble, 18th century painting:

    Polish kontusz (cloak) with żupan (long shirt, probably related somehow with middle eastern jubba) underneath, 18th century:

    Kontusz, also 18th century:

    Żupan from 17th century:–commonwealth-anonymous.jpg

  3. Little Finger's silhouette reminds me of a modern take on something Jafar from Aladdin would wear…a Grand Vizier (which Petyr certainly would identify with) as it were.

  4. i look online and on the subtitles but can't find the name for the coat or jackets that he uses. On the subtiles it says is hoople on , on another part is subtiles as whopalong so im lost was what the name of the garment help!!, in minute 10:50 she says "little finger orders a matching **hoople on*** (that is the word that i want to know how to speel it correctly) for sansa"

  5. LOVE THEM! Thank you for putting the quotes on there 🙂 Was super helpful like when Michelle says "actually" – that could have sounded like you without the quote on screen but it was super clear! Thank youuuuuu 🙂 awesome work!

  6. I really like the men's costumes the best. More substantial and richer even in the warmer climates of King's Landings and Dorne. The exception are the women's costumes at Winterfell and the snowy areas since they're dressing warmer. Again, it's hard to tell the detail until you show them closeup. His clothes are wonderful. Wonder if he'd like to wear his wardrobe from the show all the time!

  7. loving the game of thrones content( and all of your content to be perfectly honest!)! I was wondering if you've considered looking at the costumes of mirror, mirror? (the Julia Roberts and Lily Collins snow white adaptation movie) I think they are absolutely beautiful and I would love to hear your expert opinion on them!

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