“The fight between Rhaenyra Targaryen and her half-brother Aegon for control over the Seven Kingdoms. Both of them thought they belonged on the Iron Throne. When people started declaring for one of them or the other, their fight divided the kingdoms in two. Brothers fought brothers, dragons fought dragons. By the time it was over, thousands were dead. And it was a disaster for the Targaryens as well. They never truly recovered.”
―Princess Shireen Baratheon, S5E9



  1. They should make this a movie because a series won't have the budget for dragons. The story isn't so long as the series so it can be compressed into 2-3 hours with an amazing ensemble cast.

  2. If they go for some kind of prequal series on HBO, this is defo what they should give us. Based on some feedback to season 7, all Game of Thrones fans seem to want is depression and misery!

  3. If they ever do make another series in Westeros (as I believe has been confirmed somewhere in HBO) the Dance of the Dragons is an amazing place to go. Robert's Rebellion and Aegon's Conquest are both great but they're both relatively well known by all the show viewers and book reader alike. If instead you choose to create The Dance of Dragons, or even the Blackfyre Rebellion, you have a relatively unknown story but with some very strong storytelling.

  4. Amazing work – hope this is one of the spin-off series but based on budget alone I'm not holding my breath (Also D&D if you're reading this i'd like to preemptively volunteer to play that black Dragonseed boy queuing up lol)

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