The Defenders(2017) – Daredevil Saves Jessica Scene

Daredevil saves Jessica Jones
from episode 5

The Defenders all episodes streaming on Netflix

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  1. Why is DD saving Jessica Jones from when he was sliced and diced by Nobu in Season 1? And now DD is able fight Murakami, who is supposedly a much better fighter than Nobu? Way too many inconsistencies and unexplained scenes in The Defenders. This what happens when you allow writers from Daredevil to write The Defenders. The Defenders ranked similarly to DD Season 2 according to rottentomatoes

  2. And this is basically Marvel.  A bunch of white people beating up an asian guy (or horde of asian guys, or a bunch of guys with a few asian guys mixed in).  The only thing missing is a white guy nailing an asian woman at the same time.

  3. This was such an epic scene! Daredevil is back!! I find it really funny how Murakami is supposed to be Nobu's master, yet this guy spends most of his time getting his ass kicked while Nobu nearly killed Matt and killed Elektra.

  4. the hand: so, we have an invincible bulletproof dude, a crazy PI with superstrength, and a guy who's a living weapon whose only purpose is to destroy us? nah, we can handle them.
    Daredevil returns.
    the hand: nope, nope nope nope.
    let's get outta here.

  5. Doesn't Trish know fucking Krav Maga, and she couldn't be bothered to try and save her SISTER? Jesus. This show was so lazily written, I can't. Daredevil could've come in to save them AFTER Trish got neutralized.

  6. What a incredibly boring shot to intro DD with, 'no way' and he's just standing there. Come on directors up your game so many ways that entrance could have been more exciting.

  7. 0:20 Immortal super ninja or not he should not have been able to block a punch from someone with super strength. Granted the heal fast so if it broke every bone in his arm maybe, but he continued fighting with ease so that isn't the case.

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