Think you’re brave enough to watch the whole thing? Happy Halloween
Think you’re brave enough to watch the whole thing? Happy Halloween
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I wonder what happened to bill
My heart skipped a beat when you tried killing the giraffe. Just imagine.
Joel's face at 8:06 XD!!!!!!!!!!!
Even when Joel and Ellie made several death encounters, he swears (in the end) that everything he said is true…even when they're dead! lol
Kick them Joel!
:38 that one is so funny lmao
lol that moment when u realize a 38special is more effective than a bow and arrow
at 5:20 u can clearly see that he is raping Ellie actully if u looked carfully u will see his penis (Pokemon Face)
I want to play this game so bad. I got sick in my stomach. When is it coming out?
Indestructible Giraffe? At 4:38? What in the world did I just see? THIS HAS TO BE A GLITCH.
This entire montage of deaths violent and frightning (Although this a Spoiler Alert through this entire montage),my head was going through every death: Ohhh, that's gonna leave a mark. =/
The bloater one and the glass shard one were the only REALLY violent ones…..o.O
9: 57 most brutal death in my opinion
Downvote for all the wolfenstien links leading back here
This is one of the most violent games and brutal games ever. there is a very big difference between god of war and the last of us. The last of us= crude and brutal god of war= awesome and funny
I laughed so hard at 8:00 xD
8:01 That was either really good shooting or really bad…
Damn, where's Nathan Drake when you need him…
I did the same thing when I saw the giraffes, decide against throwing a molotov at them.
I was hoping for most violent deaths… Not ALL deaths….
Anyone else think Ellie could be played by Ellen Page and Sarah (from the beginning of the game) could be played by Chloë Grace Moretz in a live-action movie?
My react to 4:35 : "Oh, so I CAN kill that giraffe? Or will Joel fall from that wind.. Aw, no he can't and he doesn't." I was waiting for that x-D
you forgot about robert at the beginning that was one of the violentest and painful but in a lot of ways sick ways funny
I'm just asking but how is it possible to smash someone's head like that
La mitad del video no son muertes >:C
ah we've all seen these little cutscene's no doubt about that, naughty dog just loves killcam it puts activision to shame
2:02 Assassins Creed apocalypse comfirmed
The Last of Us > All other games in all universes
I fucking loves this game
Remember it so good.. One of the best games!
this is a shit game
Pls Bitch The Punisher (2005) Owns this shit
Really cool montage, although the torture scene is missing