CGI is a staple of modern film making, but sometimes CGI is the worst and pointless.
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Pointless CGI? This is a question.
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Damn … people are talking soooo much shit about this movie
3:12 looks pretty good I reckon
The Darth Vader CGI was totally justified. He looked like a screening girl with his hands like they were.
The Scorpion king in the mummy returns was terrible it looked like Morph on crack !
stop trying to be like whatculture, they're not funny and neither are you.
The reason Henry Cavil couldn’t shave it is because he was under contract with the mission impossible studios not to
this video funny af
The CGI cigarette in Avatar.
Worst: burnout smoke in Rpnin. Unforgivable for a movie that touts the realism of their race scenes.
His contract for mission impossible mandates Henry cavill keep his facial hair. Dumb ass YouTube video with your dumb ass accent
Man, this guy must really have and make the best cgi in the world.
Lol, acting is about honesty? Some countries won't let actors testify in court because they think they're too good at lying.
Sound like pup novy
this is why popcorn and a coke cost $36 in the theaters.
Skyfall was and still is a movie.
Truer words were never spoken.
Pointless video I say..
&ood vid.BUT, The bond one is bullshitt!!!!
hahahahahaha 3:55 – 4:02 what movie is that?!
The CGI moments that pissed me off so much was The Thing(2011?).. because the marketing was based around it using props like the original, to harken back to those days, with CGI enhancements.. I saw some behind the scenes stuff and was so excited… then I got to the theatre only to realize that BAM! EVERYTHING was redone in COMPLETE CGI… for an example google "the thing helicopter scene- behind the scenes" and the special effects look stunning! But then when you watch the movie, it's just….. the worst man, the worst.
Is so fucking stupid. This is fucking Hollywood! Why can't Henry shave for Superman and than had makeup artist put a fake mustache for mission impossible. How fucking stupid is that.
Nazi Germany? It's Jewish hollywood you're narrating about.
Wait Doctor Octopussy's Death Was CGI?
keep it real man :)))
and u enjoy enjoing this
I'm dead. Dead. 3:25
This is how they made fake dog shit for a scene in The ‘Burbs where Bruce Dern steps in the shit in his front yard (from IMDb):
“Prop Master Mark Jameson was charged with making fake dog poop when the actors complained that they didn't want to step in the real thing. He made a mixture of canned dog food, bean dip, and other items. It was loaded into caulking tubes and squeezed out where needed.”
Another pointless use of CGI would be in Justice League during the part with Flash with all the green goop all over him.
Worst, most inappropriate, and 100% completely unnecessary use of CGI was making the draconians in 3D in the Dragonlance animated film. The quality of the 3D parts was terrible and combining it with 2D animation was a mistake of biblical proportions. Just thinking about it now is giving me a nosebleed….
Cesar Romero was quite effective as The Joker and he (and the studio) left his moustache alone.
Lucas deserves multiple awards here from smearing CGI turds all over the original trilogy to the prequels. The singing number at Jabba's palace where the added CG characters broke the 4th wall and looked directly into the camera was especially egregious.
Also, we know how bad the prequels looked but a prime example of just how lost Lucas was was in ROTS where 2 trooopers tried to assasinate yoda in the hut on Kasheek and both trooopers were obviously CG. Two f*cking troopers HAD to be CG?!!!? Have you ever heard of extras before George? Guys would pay their left nut to have the chance to suit up and be in a star wars film and it would've looked so much more realistic to use real actors there. I'm so glad he can't touch SW anymore.
oh a prequel hater, how original. Get with it you oldfag, /r/prequelmemes is a thing now. We are strong.
That Twilight baby…
Ewoks blink useless ?
Vader one useless ?
Go fuck yourself faggot
5 Star Video

Let's not forget green lantern with a CGI costume
the fucking polar bear in game of thrones
So is anyone gonna say what the name of the movie is at 3:54 …? Because I want to see that funny a** movie.
What movie was that with the bear smacking that lady?
I don't presume to know what that person actually meant about Jennifer Connelly's tear being dishonest, but I figure what they meant was that if she was worth being an actress, she would have produced those tears her damn self. That she cannot honestly be considered a true actress not being able to actually act and/or that the studio made a dishonest move by not making her do her job properly instead of spending a shit ton of money on something she should be able to do on command (That's what she's paid for). Of course if that's the case, it must also be said that person is not a true reviewer, as they couldn't muster a way to describe that coherently without someone else having to explain that for people to get it.
3:34 – It doesn't "beg the question", it merely raises the question. Get your grammar right.
I didn't know the James Bond Story. Too much funny XD
It has been confirmed they didn’t have to digitally remove his mustache. Your rant is annoying and pointless
Love the Daniel Craig ripping in this video. He really is very unattractive.
Worst use of CGI, painting over the monsters in the Thing prequel