You can never accuse Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, who’s played Gregor “the Mountain” Clegane on Game of Thrones since season 4, for not making the most of his celebrity. Ever since he popped Oberyn Martell’s head off in “The Mountain and the Viper,” the guy has made a habit of going viral, whether he’s sparring with UFC star Conor McGregor or being crowned the World’s Strongest Man.

But this may take the cake, so to speak. Kentucky Fried Chicken has drafted Björnsson to play Colonel Sanders — sorry, Double Colonel Sanders — in a bizarre new commercial where he drags around 700 pounds worth of Double Crispy Colonel Sandwiches across the floor. No one’s ever done it before. There’s a world record on the line. Can he do it? CAN HE DO IT?

Wow, he did it.

The Double Crispy Colonel Sandwich is available at a KFC restaurant near you. Consult a cardiologist before purchasing.

And if you’re interested, TMZ has video from behind the scenes of this commercial shoot, showing Björnsson performing his chicken-themed feat of strength in one unbroken take. No one used editing trickery to make Björnsson’s accomplishment look more impressive than it was; it was all muscle and poultry.

If for some reason you didn’t already believe that Björnsson was huge, this graphic comparing him to the Rock should remove any doubt:

I guess you couldn’t really call yourself the Mountain if you didn’t tower over most of the people you met.

But what about Game of Thrones stars who are under 6’7”? What are the tiny people doing? Well, Page Six reports that Finn Jones (Loras Tyrell) randomly dropped by a club called Cantina Royal in Brooklyn, New York this past weekend to demonstrate a hidden talent. “Finn showed up around 10 p.m. as a surprise and starting DJing,” said a “gobsmacked” guest. “He got up with the DJ who was already spinning. He was so cool, hanging out with everyone.”

So there you go; if you’re at the right place at the right time, Loras Tyrell might stop by and play his party mix for you. Apparently, Jones also posts his homemade mixes on Soundcloud under the name goodvibrations11. Maybe he and Kristian Nairn (Hodor) can tour together.

Next: Chinese A Song of Ice and Fire translator: The Winds of Winter will very likely come out in 2019

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