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Leave a like! What do you think about the Night’s Queen?
★ Playlist with all my theories ★

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  1. Maybe the night queen was sent by the whitewalkers and had the whole sacrifice thing started to send "soldiers" to the walkers ( this is gonna sound dumb but maybe she was kind of like an inside man for the walkers) anywho that's what I first thought of just putting it out there

  2. The night's queen being similair to Melissandre, I have never heard of this theory before, but it really makes sense… Melissandre burns people as sacrefice to the God of Light… maybe they did something like drowning the people in ice pools or letting them freeze to death? And that would be the human sacrefices… and those were the reason for the Lord Stark and the wildlings beyond the wall to come together and fight them off… because Jon exciles Melissandre after he found out that she burned Shireen at stake… intruiging… And I just thought about it! Maybe I have an idea who the Night's queen may be: Brave Danny Flint! she was dressed up as a man, went to the Night's watch, was discovered, raped and murdered at the NIGHTFORD: who knows from wich time she is? She can be the night's queen, as I'm thinking that some of the White Walkers are people of the Night's watch. She died in the cold, in the snow… the white walkers found her… and saved her? And they were like: Yeah, we have a female in the group. Then they send her out to the wall for whatever reason. 🙂 In the text about the Night's queen and King it's also said: He brought her back to the Nightford. Back… like she has been there before? I don't know, it's just something I come up with… is this worth something?

  3. someone said the white walkers need human babies because they cant multiply, as if there were no females under them, so if there was female specimen, why did they need human babies to turn them to one of them

  4. What if, there must always be a stark in winterfell actually it's meaning is Starks must stay on this side of the wall. Benjin stark might be the reason the great other has woken. Benjin died and was saved by the children. So now he can't be used by the great other. But then the three eyed raven brought Brandon. Remember there's power in kings blood.

  5. I don't think white walkers can simply pass the wall if they're invited in. Seems to me that if they could pass the wall through tricking the Lord Commander, they'd have taken a completely different approach of traveling South.
    So I think either that the Wall does not protect against white walkers (maybe only against the dead), or that she wasn't a white walker. Perhaps a simple human transformed through magic.

  6. Actually in a world of ice and fire; the night's king is defeated by a Stark king and Joramun, the king beyond the wall. The other mention of Joramun refers to the horn that would "destroy" the wall and Mance couldn't find. It was also in that war that the night's watch was forbiden to fortify their casttles, so I think what this means is that back then, the wall had no spells; King Brandon and Jorammun were the ones to put them there and that is why only the horn can take them off. Also, I don't think it's a Stark or a night's watch power, since Bran and Sam could't grant pass for cold hands.

    Also, it could be that Mance didn't find the horn because the others found it first and that is how the others will get south of the wall.

    Finally, the explanation given for the spectres getting to night's fort is that they just brought some corpses in, that latter became spectres.

  7. Night King's was Flint!  ps The Night's Queen was really a daughter from the Barrow's King from Barrow lands . They have a family trait that the Maesters of Westores believe it a disease and that why her was skin white as snow. Ps I don't think there NO females within the Others that why needed Craster's sons.  Maybe though the year other Freefolks gave sons to raise too.  I don't think Night's Queen was an other.

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