The work continues. Let’s take a look at some of the latest goings-on at the enormous King’s Landing set, built at a backlot at Titanic Studios in Belfast.

Whether HBO is currently filming on this set or not, it’s undergoing some changes, the most obvious of which involves the facade of the Red Keep. Previously, that facade has looked like this:

It’s a red wall with Lannister banners hanging off it. Checks out.

However, recently, the crew has been touching the wall up, starting at the margins…

…and not stopping until the whole thing was repainted white:

We’re not sure what to make of this. Is there a behind-the-scenes explanation for this? With filming wrapping up, are they painting the wall so they can put it away for storage? But then again, HBO plans to leave this set up after filming is over as a tourist attraction, so there are some gaps in that explanation. Also, even if we’re near the end, shooting is not over.

Might there be an in-story explanation? Will Jon or Dany or the Night King or whoever ends up ruling King’s Landing in the end decide that a makeover is in order? Or, back on the behind-the-scenes side, perhaps they’re applying a coat of primer so they can paint the wall a new color, something that makes it look like it’s taken a beating. We know King’s Landing is under attack, after all.

Beyond that, the crew is moving parts of the set hither and thither:

God, season 8 is going to look spectacular. I suppose if there’s a time to go all-out, it’s now.

Meanwhile, we have more indications that we’re staring down the end of filming. Game of Thrones hair hair stylist Kerstin Weller, who’s been working on the since season 6, posted this fond farewell to Belfast:

But on the other hand, Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (Gregor “the Mountain” Clegane) recently posted a picture of himself “relaxing in my trailer between takes,” so we’re not out of the woods yet.

We’ll keep watching. What do you guys make of this, particularly the Red Keep paint job?

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