Before the fiery mayhem of the Loot Train Attack in “The Spoils of War,”  there were some pretty great, non-violent scenes at Winterfell, where three of the Stark children had a heartwarming reunion.

The actors behind the characters — Sophie Turner (Sansa), Maisie Williams (Arya Stark), and Isaac Hempstead Wright (Bran) — talked about the family get-together in a behind-the-scenes featurette from HBO Spain. The title? “The Reunion.” Check it out:

The most interesting part of the video is probably the discussion about Bran, since he’s the biggest question mark of the group right now. “I’m getting to act with them at last but Bran is not Bran anymore,” Wright says, “and it’s a very very interesting place to be.”

Some fans are theorizing that Bran is using his Three-Eyed Raven powers as an excuse to stay “aloof” and not get attached, but hearing that “Bran is not Bran anymore” straight from the horse’s mouth may put a damper on that.

Each actor had a different take on this long-awaited family reunion:

  • Williams: “Every one of the Starks that has been through the Game of Thrones washing machine has turned out differently.”
  • Turner: “They’ve so adapted to their completely different situations, that they are such different people that they can’t even completely trust each other. So that’s an interesting dynamic.”
  • Wright: “Every thing should be happy and sentimental and nostalgic, but it’s not going to be because that would be too easy.”

No, we can’t have anything easy on Game of Thrones, can we?

Before we sign out for the day, the staff at Sports Betting Experts has made this really cool collection of morphs, showing what the Game of Thrones characters looked like in season 1 vs how they look now. Some of the changes are…wait for it…stark.

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